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Volume 9 Number 2 Year 2023

10 articles in this issue 

Agus Riadi,Nathania Nathania,Yosafat Barona Valentino

Generally, to finish a bachelor’s degree in Indonesia, undergraduate students are required to compose a research article as a form of academic writing. One of the distinctive features of academic writing is explicitness, which shows the connection be... see more

Pags. 160 - 177  

Dedi Jasrial,Hermawati Syarif,Yetti Zainil

Curriculum changes are crucial in modern education to adapt to society's needs and technological advancements. Yet, rushed or poorly considered alterations might disrupt education's flow and harm students' learning and progress. Hence, this study explores... see more

Pags. 178 - 198  

Dio Resta Permana,Okky Leo Agusta

This study aimed at investigating Profil Pelajar Pancasila Values in English textbooks “My Next Words” for elementary school students of Merdeka Curriculum. This analysis was really needed to explore the character education material proposed in the Merdek... see more

Pags. 199 - 210  

Dwi Indra Aprilliandari,Rindu Handayani

The research aimed to develop wordless picture book media for junior high school students. The 7th-grade students (Classes A and B) at SMP Muhammadiyah Pangkalpinang were engaged as participants. The four stages of the 4D development processes proposed by... see more

Pags. 211 - 222  

Siti Alnida Khoerunnisa,Rizdki Elang Gumelar,Nur Azmi Rohimajaya

Speech errors can happen to everyone in every activity. This is inseparable from the world of education, one of which is microteaching activities. In its implementation in the English Education Study Program at Mathla'ul Anwar University Banten, there wer... see more

Pags. 223 - 236  

M. Arif Rahman Hakim,Khoirunnisa Khoirunnisa,Akhmad Fadli,Nur Ilianis Adnan

This study was carried out to investigate strategies used by the teacher in teaching English, speaking competency, for autonomous learners at English Academy Bengkulu Malaysia, an English class program for Indonesian migrant workers. Specifically, it was ... see more

Pags. 237 - 248  

Aziz Rahman Putra,Ami Pradana

As an international language whose role and use are dominant in various aspects in this era of globalization, English is suitable to be used as the main provision for students to support their academics and careers. Therefore, it is very important to anal... see more

Pags. 249 - 259  

Fais Wahidatul Arifatin

This research investigates the effectiveness of project-based learning in enhancing students' creative thinking skills in language learning. The aim is to explore the impact of project-based learning strategies, collaboration, technology integration, and ... see more

Pags. 260 - 271  

Gesna Fitri,Wisma Yunita,Alamsyah Harahap

Learning grammar is an essential thing in learning new language and a strategy in learning grammar is needed to cope with it. The research aimed to investigate the grammar learning strategy that was used by English students at Muhammadiyah University of B... see more

Pags. 272 - 281  

Anastasi Chika Alvina,Gaguk Rudianto

The purpose of the study is to explore the archetypal patterns and how it changes the main character that it gives effect to the movie. Archetypal patterns refer to recurring motifs or fundamental patterns that exist in various cultural exp... see more

Pags. 282 - 293