10 articles in this issue
Denni Iskandar,Wildan Wildan,Nurrahmah Nurrahmah,Muhammad Fauzi DOI : 10.26714/lensa.13.1.2023.1-13 Abstract view : 53 times
The vaccination discourse is one of the discourses that is always reported by the mass media because of the increasing cases of Covid-19. News about vaccinations elicited various responses from the public. This study aimed to examine the strategy of onlin... see more
Ida Ayu Mela Tustiawati DOI : 10.26714/lensa.13.1.2023.14-29 Abstract view : 32 times
The present study aims at showing the major types of errors that students make in their written products and their perspectives on the cause of errors that they make. In this research, 180 students’ paragraphs were analysed for the purpose of error analys... see more
Novita Mulyana,Yana Qomariana DOI : 10.26714/lensa.13.1.2023.30-48 Abstract view : 27 times
YouTube, a video sharing platform, is famously used these days, not only due to its function as part of entertainment, but also a media of interaction. Unlike, face-to-face interaction or other computer-mediated interaction, YouTube served multi-party int... see more
Rahmi Maulidiyah,Sheila Agustina,Khoirul Umam DOI : 10.26714/lensa.13.1.2023.49-66 Abstract view : 47 times
Vocabulary mastery is a crucial skill for English language learners. It will be much simpler for students to communicate verbally and in writing if they have a strong command of the English language's vocabulary. Considering this issue, this research aims... see more
Maria Marietta Bali Larasati,Jhosephina Nirma Rupa DOI : 10.26714/lensa.13.1.2023.67-81 Abstract view : 24 times
This study aimed at describing the character value of education through understanding the semiotic meaning of the offerings ritual Pati Ka in the Kelimutu Lake. This study used descriptive qualitative and ethnolinguistic approach. The research subject wer... see more
Nur Alfin Karimah,Ahmad Munir,Syafiul Anam DOI : 10.26714/lensa.13.1.2023.82-94 Abstract view : 83 times
As an indispensable part of the Research Article (RA), an abstract should be well written. The variability of information included in a research article abstract will likely vary because of different discourses among academicians worldwide. This pap... see more
Siti Ayu Nurhidayati,Mulyadi Mulyadi DOI : 10.26714/lensa.13.1.2023.95-118 Abstract view : 55 times
This study discusses the conceptualization of metaphors in the discourse of the Bali G20 Summit using cognitive semantic theory. The purpose of this study is to explore and analyze the types and meanings of metaphors and create a semantic network to see t... see more
R. Hariyani Susanti DOI : 10.26714/lensa.13.1.2023.119-134 Abstract view : 42 times
This article explores the role that literature plays in social movements, particularly in the gender equality movement such as women’s autonomy in social settings. By comparing two literary works, A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen and Bumi Manusia by Pramoed... see more
Widjati Hartiningtyas DOI : 10.26714/lensa.13.1.2023.135-150 Abstract view : 154 times
In November 2022, a Twitter account reported fraud committed by an owner of a well-known vanity publisher. The post that was retweeted thousand times revealed that many authors experience the same thing. Based on that case, this study analyzed reasons tha... see more
Sweethsy Awinindia DOI : 10.26714/lensa.13.1.2023.151-168 Abstract view : 49 times
Listening has an essential role in the language learning process. The success or failure of language learning is influenced by how students use the strategies. However, sometimes students still find it difficult to choose appropriate listening strategies.... see more