12 articles in this issue
Yenny Aman Serah,Rini Setiawati,Resmaya Agnesia Mutiara Sirait
The aim to be achieved in this research is to realize the achievement of a Legal Awareness Village by increasing the role of Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) at the Village Level. The PKK, which recruits members down to the lower levels of society is expe... see more
Rahmat Ramadhani,Ummi Salamah Lubis
This research aims to find a model for securing land assets of the Muhammadiyah Association in Prov. North Sumatera that has not yet been certified, especially for land that is controlled without a legal basis or whose legal basis has been lost, in an eff... see more
Surya Perdana,Ismail Koto
Standard clauses are usually made by parties in a stronger position, which in reality can be held by business actors. The contents of standard clauses often harm the party receiving the standard clause, namely the consumer, because they are made unilatera... see more
Arasyel Noor Vinki Narusweta,Diana Setiawati
Technological advances have a major impact on the economic sector in this digital era, one of which is the use of digital media for business activities through e-commerce. Initially the TikTok application was a social media application, over time Tiktok d... see more
Yoseph Bharata,Mohammad Zamroni,Budi Pramono
This research aims to analyze the benefits of Medical Record Encryption (MRE) data in legal safeguards for physicians and patients, while also investigating the trajectory of medical dispute resolution through the lens of Restorative Justice, employing th... see more
Ida Hanifah
Law Number 2 of 2004 concerning the resolution of Industrial Relations issues, among other things, determines the resolution of industrial relations disputes, through litigation and non-litigation channels, which regulates the mechanism for resolving disp... see more
Mhd Teguh Syuhada Lubis
General Elections are a means of popular sovereignty to elect members of the People's Representative Council, members of the Regional Representative Council, President and Vice President, and to elect members of the Regional People's Representative Counci... see more
Rudi Santoso,Maimun Maimun
This research is to reveal the dynamics and problems of holding elections in 2019. Because, in the simultaneous elections there were many violations and solutions need to be found for the sake of better future elections. The research uses library and fiel... see more
Rosalia Dika Agustanti,Heru Sugiyono,Chahya Kharin Herbawani,Dewanto Samodro
This research uses normative juridical methods. The research technique begins by sorting the laws and regulations governing Gender, and this is done to find out how available work facilities are in the Depok City Government. PPPA Ministerial Regulation No... see more
Cintya Theresia A. M. Sitorus
The existence of a beauty standard stigma that regards beauty as a condition where women have fair skin has developed into a serious issue. This stigma has emerged as a result of mass media construction and the rapid spread of foreign cultures in Indonesi... see more
Suryawansyah Suryawansyah,A Basuki Babussalam
Indonesian banking adheres to a dual banking system, conventional and sharia. Law (UU) No. 21/2008 on Islamic Banking is the legal basis for Islamic Banking in carrying out their operations, and in the event of a dispute, it can refer to article 55 (1) di... see more
Fanni Athar Hidayat,Teguh Kurniawan
Policy Multi Lane Free Flow is desired policy launched by the government for increase internal public services government. Policy that's what comes next give something description that in implementation public service is responsibility from government and... see more