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Volume 17 Number 1 Year 2021

3 articles in this issue 

sri arini winarti

Latar Belakang: Tuberkulosis Resisten Obat masih menjadi global burden disease  di dunia, dan malnutrisi dapat membuat tuberkulosis menjadi semakin parah. Pengobatan TB RO cukup kompleks, dan dapat menyebabkan efek samping yang memberatkan.Tujuan :Pe... see more

Pags. 1 - 5  

Mohamad Mirza Fauzie, Dina Fadhilah

Industrial revolution 4.0 or called the digital era which means all aspects of our lives are related to digital devices. Using web-based software can reduce data management problems, both in terms of data storage and data sharing with other users who need... see more

Pags. 6 - 14  

Maryana Maryana, Sari Candra Dewi, Abiyyu Naufal Susanto, Aga Rahma Putri, Ayunda Sekar Arum, Titik Fajriyati Nur Khasanah

The prevalence of cases Covid-19 in the New Normal period is still high in the number, that matter affects nurses of work stress. These situations can affect the physical and mental health of nurses. This study aims to determine the relationship of demogr... see more

Pags. 23 - 37