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Volume 7 Number 1 Year 2022

13 articles in this issue 

Nurjayadi Nurjayadi, STMIK Amik Riau, Indonesia

Pembelajar anak usia dini lebih suka belajar melalui bermain. Namun, ketika Covid-19 menyebar, proses belajar mengajar sangat dibatasi. Akibatnya anak kecil lebih banyak menghabiskan waktunya untuk bermain daripada belajar, dan mereka disibukkan dengan po... see more


Mohammad Badri, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

One of the study programs at the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) UIN North Sumatra Medan is the Information Systems Study Program. During the Introduction to Academic and Student Culture (PBAK) or what is usually called the orientation period, the... see more


Abd. Charis Fauzan, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar, Indonesia

Until 2022, Indonesia was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19 is a virus that spreads very easily, so the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the Covid-19 virus status as a global pandemic. The first case of Covid-19 was detected in Indonesia ... see more


Tri Rahayuningsih, Universitas Andalas, Indonesia

The policy of the Covid-19 Pandemic that requires working from home during the quarantine period has an impact on the productivity of lecturers because work satisfaction is disrupted due to the dual roles performed by lecturers at home. Psychological prob... see more


Mochammad Akbar Marwan, Universitas Gunadarma, Indonesia

The Rational Unified Process (RUP) method is a process framework in software development that can be adapted to the objectives of the development organization and software project team. Electronic learning is a learning system based on formal teaching but... see more


Bambang Ismanto, STMIK Widya Pratama, Indonesia

Examination is one of the academic activities carried out to test students in mastery of competence in the subjects studied in one semester. This exam is mandatory for students to take because it is related to the student's grades and graduation in the co... see more


Rizal Furqan Ramadhan, Universitas Islam Negeri Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, Indonesia

Today the development of the industrial world and technology is growing rapidly. The development of these two fields has a significant impact on all fields of human activity, one of which is the field of education. The influence of the times has pushed th... see more


Tabitha Salsabilla, Stikubank University, Indonesia

CV Cendana Motor Cepiring is one of the Honda brand motorcycle sales companies in Kendal Regency. Tight motorcycle sales competition requires companies to determine the right sales strategy to increase sales and product marketing in order to attract consu... see more


Ade Suryanto, Univesitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Indonesia

The current industry will not escape the role of suppliers to support their needs, especially the provision of consumptive products. The company cooperates not only with one partner or supplier, but to provide satisfaction to customers with the variety of... see more


Dona Dona, Universitas Pasir Pengarain, Indonesia

Kekurangan gizi atau yang biasa disebut malnutrisi merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang cukup sering menimpa balita-balita di Indonesia. Kepedulian orang tua dan aparat desa (dalam hal ini petugas Pusat Pelayanan Kesehatan Masyarakat – PUSKESMAS) u... see more


Harun Mukhtar, Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau, Indonesia

The demands of rapid technology development test the need and necessity for implementation. Coercion of implementation seems to be happening in recent conditions, where the world is being hit by a virus that requires social distancing. Transaction process... see more


Mega Fuji Astuti, Universitas Bina Sarana, Indonesia

Excel is a Microsoft application that is widely used to record financial transactions in several institutions. However, many of its uses are not optimal. First, the transactions are recorded in a notebook and then transferred to an excel file. This way ma... see more


Nanto Sunanto, universitas muhammadiyah riau (UMRI), Indonesia

Diabetes is a disease in which the pancreas cannot produce insulin properly. Insulin is a hormone produced from the pancreas, which is useful as a door to channel glucose from food that is absorbed to be flowed into blood cells so that the body can produc... see more