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ISSN: 0719-7713    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 3 Number 1 Year 2017

6 articles in this issue 

Diego Boava,Fernanda Macedo,Natalia Macedo,Iaísa Helena Magalhães

Entrepreneurship is a pluri-disciplinary phenomenon, object of research in several areas of knowledge. However, studies on this theme present approaches that start to consider entrepreneurship as a field of private knowledge in the phase of epistemologica... see more

Pags. 1 - 10  

Sebastián Cristóbal Araya Pizarro,Luperfina Eloisa Rojas Escobar,Enrique Patricio Ruiz Vega

The economic and social importance of micro and small enterprises for the development of emerging economies is indisputable and is the subject of numerous studies around the world. This article analyzes the main aspects that influence their establishment ... see more

Pags. 11 - 22  

Olga Leticia Gil Gaytan,Antonio Nuñez Partido

The objective of this research is to identify the personality traits associated with success in exporting by Mexican entrepreneurs in the Guadalajara metropolitan area. The main justification for carrying out this study is Mexico’s need to reduce its curr... see more

Pags. 23 - 34  

José Fernádez Palma,Hernán Rocha Pavez

Different lines of thought, which relate to how organizations can achieve their competitive advantage, can be found within the general theory of management. On the one hand, there are those who argue that the knowledge and analysis of the environment and ... see more

Pags. 35 - 50  

Gary Concha Murua,Osvaldo Pino Arriagada

The study analyzes information found in the New National Employment Survey (NENE) about the main dimensions and characteristics of inter-regional residence-work mobility in Ñuble, Chile, for the 2014 period. Using an autonomy model of supply and demand, a... see more

Pags. 51 - 68  

Manuel Escobar Farfán,Constanza Rojas Cuevas,José Urzúa Rivera

This study presents an updated application model that identifies the intervening factors in the buyer decision process. In traditional research, the consumer is said to confront two moments of truth before making the decision to buy: first, when encounter... see more

Pags. 69 - 82