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Volume .1 Number n2 Year 2012

12 articles in this issue 

Sherida Karanini Paz de Oliveira,Francisca Elisângela Teixeira Lima,Ilse Maria Tigre de Arruda Leitão,Larissa Bento de Araújo Mendonça,Lídia Stella Teixeira de Meneses,Roberta Meneses Oliveira

Objective: To identify the principals nursing diagnosis present in adult patients in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery. Methodology: A descriptive study, documentary, held at a private hospital in Fortaleza, Ceará. The sample consisted of 19 cha... see more

Pags. 95 - 100  

Diana Nascimento e Santos,Maria do Livramento Fortes Figueiredo

Objective: to describe the resilience of elderly  women with breast cancer. Methodology: this is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, with eight elderly women who had breast cancer. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured in... see more

Pags. 101 - 7  

Jorge Otavio Maia Barreto,Erika Barbosa Camargo

Objective: To evaluate the use of calcium supplementation in clinical practice for the prevention of preeclampsia in the town of Piripiri, Piauí. Methods: Cross-sectional study with pregnant women interviewed randomly in family health units of  the u... see more

Pags. 108 - 12  

Érica Oliveira Matias,Albertina Aguiar Brilhante,Amanda de Fátima Alves Costa,Daisy Maria Silva,Maria Lígia Silva Nunes Cavalcante,Vandrianne Oliveira Carvalho

Objective: To describe the use of educational technologies by conducting health education activities based on the theoretical and methodological framework of Paulo Freire. Methodology: This was a descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative approach, ... see more

Pags. 113 - 7  

Telma Maria Evangelista Araújo,Fabiola Silva Aguiar,Maria de Lourdes Rosa Pessôa,Amanda Lia Valente Soares,khelyane Mesquita Carvalho,Rebeca Mendes Monteiro

Objective: To assess vaccination coverage , serology and  to check seroconversion against hepatitis B, as well as the knowledge about hepatitis B and its primary immunizing of professionals of hemodialysis services in Teresina. Methodology: This is a... see more

Pags. 118 - 23  

Lidyane Rodrigues Oliveira Santos,Silvana Santiago da Rocha,Rosana dos Santos Costa,Olivia Dias de Araujo,Francisco Braz Milanez Oliveira,Regilane Silva Barros

Objective: To analyze the care of families with children who have sickle cell disease. Methodology: A descriptive, exploratory  and qualitative study. It was used a record  of fifteen semi-structured interviews with family members of children un... see more

Pags. 124 - 7  

Hélène Lefebvre,Marie-Josée Levert

Objective: the project sought to document the perceptions and points of view of the MTBI patient, their family and the professionals about their experience. Methodology: This qualitative pilot project was realized with focus groups with MTBI persons, fami... see more

Pags. 128 - 34  

Márcia Astrês Fernandes,Lara Emanueli Neiva de Sousa,Aline Raquel de Sousa,Mariza Márcia Rodrigues Gomes,Mykaely Felix Evangelista

Objective: To report our experience in caring for a patient with bipolar disorder in a psychiatric hospital in Teresina-PI. Methodology: This is a type of research experience report, conducted from January to February 2011, while conducting extracurricula... see more

Pags. 135 - 8  

Fernando José Guedes da Silva Júnior,Olívia Dias de Araújo,Belisa Maria da Silva Melo,Giovanna de Oliveira Liborio Dourado,Claudete Ferreira de Souza Monteiro,Silvana Santiago da Rocha

In order to reflect on the influence of the Social Determinants of Health (SDH) and its relation to the consumption of crack. Methodology: reflexive study was conducted to support the understanding of the cultural, socioeconomic and environmental factors ... see more

Pags. 139 - 42  

Flávia Danielli Martins Lima,Rayanne Andresa de Castro Vieira,Carla Fernanda de Lima Santiago da Silva,Élido Santiago da Silva,Nayra Michelle Anjos Amorim,Lídya Tolstenko Nogueira

O estudo visou determinar a relação entre unidade de atuação e o nível da Síndrome de Burnout em enfermeiros de um hospital de grande porte, de ensino, em Teresina. As unidades de atuação do enfermeiro foram classificadas em abertas e fechadas, com base n... see more

Pags. 143 - 8  

Grazielle Roberta Freitas da Silva,Marcos Venícios de Oliveira Lopes,Maria Vera Lúcia Moreira Leitão Cardoso

Objetivou-se desenvolver uma análise do componente função neurológica do Modelo de Adaptação de Roy utilizando a critica interna do elemento estrutural processo descrito por Barnum(1998). A função neurológica ainda necessita ser realizado um aprofundament... see more

Pags. 149 - 54