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ISSN: 1684-4904    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Number Vol12 Year 2002

26 articles in this issue 

J.C.M.D Du Plessis

Lexikos is deur die Buro van die WAT beplan as 'n internasionale leksikografiese tydskrif met sy hoofdoel die bevordering van die praktiese leksikografie van die tale wat in Afrika gebruik word. Dit wou egter ook internasionale rigtings in die metaleksiko... see more


Danie Prinsloo

Met die 12de uitgawe van Lexikos en die Sewende Internasionale Konferensie van die African Association for Lexicography (AFRILEX) agter die rug kry die suksesverhaal van AFRILEX en Lexikos steeds meer gestalte. Bykans 100 lede en belangstellendes het die ... see more


Salmina Nong,Gilles-Maurice de Schryver,D.J. Prinsloo

Abstract: The aim of this article is to investigate, from a lexicographic perspective, the preferences of Northern Sotho mother-tongue speakers for loan words versus so-called 'traditional' or 'original' counterparts in the language. Results obtained from... see more


D.J. Prinsloo

Abstract: For learners of Northern Sotho as a second or even foreign language, the copulative system is probably the most complicated grammatical system to master. The encoding needs of such learners, i.e. to find enough information in dictionaries in ord... see more


Elsabé Taljard,Gilles-Maurice de Schryver

Abstract: Worldwide, semi-automatically extracting terms from corpora is becoming the norm for the compilation of terminology lists, term banks or dictionaries for special purposes. If Africanlanguage terminologists are willing to take their rightful plac... see more


Thierry Afane Otsaga

Résumé: La plupart des dictionnaires des langues gabonaises, parus jusqu'à ce jour, n'ont pasvraiment tenu compte de la tonalité dans la rédaction des articles. Or, à présent, il est unanimementreconnu que le ton joue un rôle important dans le fonctionnem... see more


Mariëtta Alberts

Abstract: This article addresses computer applications in terminology and terminography. Terminologists aim at creating source language terms and target language term equivalents for new concepts and thereby enhancing communication in various subject area... see more


Emmanuel Chabata

Abstract: In this article a comparative analysis of Duramazwi ReChiShona (DRC) and Duramazwi Guru ReChiShona (DGC) is made. Both DRC and DGC are monolingual Shona dictionaries compiled by a team of researchers under the African Languages Lexical (ALLEX) P... see more


F. de Foglio,H.J. Lubbe

Opsomming: Deur die tempo van globalisering op handelsgebied ontstaan daar toenemend 'n behoefte aan tweerigtingvakwoordeboeke. Afrikaans is een van die hooftale in Suid-Afrika, en die landbousektor van die land is oorwegend Afrikaanssprekend. Aangesien e... see more


Rufus H. Gouws

Abstract: Niching is a macrostructural procedure of textual condensation which results in different dictionary articles being clustered into one textblock as subarticles headed by sublemmata. This article offers an identification and critical discussion o... see more


Samukele Hadebe

Abstract: The Ndebele language corpus described here is that compiled by the ALLEX Project (now ALRI) at the University of Zimbabwe. It is intended to reflect as much as possible the Ndebele language as spoken in Zimbabwe. The Ndebele language corpus was ... see more


Li Lan,Grahame T. Bilbow

Abstract: General purpose dictionaries benefit users at large in many ways, but the definitions and examples might not satisfy the diverse needs of different professional users. This is especially true of metaphors. The article discusses the treatment of ... see more


P.A. Mavoungou,

Abstract: A distinction is often drawn between single articles and synopsis articles. A single article is the so-called default article. It does not deviate from the traditional microstructural approach of the dictionary because it presents the minimum da... see more


V.M. Mojela

Abstract: Urban slang terminology is extensively used today by most indigenous communities when speaking various South African indigenous languages. This is usually the case with informal conversations where the type of language used is also regarded to b... see more


Nzang-Bié Yolande

Résumé: Les corpus sont à la base de la plupart des recherches en linguistique et particulièrementlexicographique. La compilation d'un corpus est une activité spécialisée dont dépend lerésultat de la recherche en question. Le sujet de cet article est la c... see more


Wessel J. Pienaar

Opsomming: Hierdie artikel beskryf die oorsprong van die woord logistiek, stip die ontwikkeling daarvan uit en verklaar die hedendaagse betekenis daarvan. Die ontwikkelingsgang van die begrip word aangedui vanaf die oorsprong daarvan in Grieks, met inagne... see more


Herbert Ernst Wiegand

Abstract: A reminder of general problems in the formation of terminology, as illustrated by theGerman Äquivalence (Eng. equivalence) and äquivalent (Eng. equivalent), is followed by a critical discussionof the concept of equivalence in contrastive lexicol... see more


John S. Mbiti

Abstract: The Pew Charitable Trusts financed the African Proverbs Project with Dr Stan Nussbaum as co-ordinator, for three years (1993?1996). He assembled a number of scholars who had collected and studied proverbs. The purpose of the Project was to encou... see more


Langa Khumalo

Abstract: In this article the writer evaluates the defining formats that were used in defining headwords in the first monolingual General Ndebele Dictionary, Isichazamazwi SesiNdebele (ISN). The emphasis in the ISN was on the concept of user-friendliness.... see more


Ludwine Mabika Mbokou

Résumé: On emploie tous les jours des proverbes, des maximes, des devinettes et des dictons.Malgré les progrès techniques des denières décénies en matière d'outils didactiques, le proverbefait partie du quotidien des sociétés africaines en particulier et ... see more


Maria Smit

Abstract: This review article deals with the contents of the publication Kleine Schriften, a selection of articles written by Herbert Ernst Wiegand and compiled by Matthias Kammerer and Werner Wolski. It purports to illustrate the topics with which Wiegan... see more


Werner Hüllen

In his book, Igor Burkhanov assumes that cognitive semantics, as developed mainly in the United States of America from about 1980, is a linguistic innovation which lends itself to a thorough renovation of pedagogical dictionaries. In order to show this co... see more


Adelia Carstens,Gerhard B. van Huyssteen

NVolume 194 of the series Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, entitled Lexicology,Semantics and Lexicography, comprises a selection of eleven academic contributionsthat were originally presented at the Tenth International Conference ofEnglish Historical ... see more


Fritz Ponelis

Daar is in die onlangse paar dekades bloedweinig oor die Afrikaanse etimologiegepubliseer. Die "jongste" samevatting is Boshoff en Nienaber 1967; vergelykook ? naas 'n verskeidenheid voortreflike studies deur Scholtz, waaronderScholtz 1972 ?, Smith 1962 (... see more


Lexikos Lexikos

Publication announcements of dictionaries published in the previous year.