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Volume 15 Number 1 Year 2022

15 articles in this issue 

Meri Fitrah,Syamsuar Hamka

Intellect is a device that was given by Allah SWT to humans specifically. Human has the ability to involve civilization and advance their life with their intellect. This research aims to find out the educational thinking according to Yusuf al-Qardhawi in ... see more

Pags. 1 - 14  

Jaffar Syiddiq,Endin Mujahidin

Discipline is one of the main character education values. This is because the formation of other characters can occur if accompanied by discipline. Lack of discipline will lead to disorder. Irregularity is the root of decline, and laziness and can result ... see more

Pags. 15 - 26  

Julkarnain Julkarnain,Abas Mansur Tamam

Islamic personality is a very important part of the value of character education. This is because the formation of other characters can occur if accompanied by a noble character. The impact of the low Islamic personality of students will result in low mor... see more

Pags. 27 - 42  

Muhammad Cholid Abdurrohman,Santi Lisnawati,Hasbi Indra

Teachers in education are figures who have an important role. He is an agent of change responsible for transferring knowledge and internalizing values to students. Therefore, competencies are needed to support their duties properly so that educational goa... see more

Pags. 43 - 58  

De Aulia Ramadhan

This textbook research is structured with the formulation of the problem: first, what are the verses contained in the Need and Scarcity material in the Economics subject contained in the Integrated Social Sciences Textbook for Class VII junior high school... see more

Pags. 59 - 72  

Imas Kania Rahman,Lisa Hardiana

Fetal intelligence can be influenced through stimulation and the physical and psychic health of pregnant women. Physical and psychic changes during pregnancy cause problems for pregnant women so that negative feelings arise that can inhibit the intelligen... see more

Pags. 73 - 84  

Irfan Wahyu Syifa,Ulil Amri Syafri,Wido Supraha

Currently, many Muslim scientists, especially in the field of education, rely on western science which is materialistic-secular. This is triggered by the feeling of inferiority of Muslims to the west, which in fact is a developed country. Of course, this ... see more

Pags. 85 - 98  

Sulalatul Islami Maisyar,Budi Handrianto

Indicates that many young couples have not actually noticed their readiness to marry. The lack of readiness for marriage is thus one reason for many divorces. The lack of understanding of young people in wedding education, especially if its religious know... see more

Pags. 99 - 108  

Ibadurrahman Al-Khatib

Education is an important aspect of life. All the things that everyone does in their lives are part of the process and also the product of education. Including building and advancing the standard of life of the Indonesian nation is with the educational pa... see more

Pags. 109 - 116  

Hotim Abdulloh

Tahfidz entrepreneurship curriculum at the junior high school level is needed to prepare a generation that is religious, has good morals, is independent and does not stand idly by for others. This study tries to find a model for implementing the tahfidz e... see more

Pags. 117 - 126  

Ahmad Chairul Islam,Hasbi Indra

The purpose of this research is to formulate a coaching program that is able to help the development of intellectual maturity in students, so that students are able and brave to make decisions objectively and solve problems based on their reason and consc... see more

Pags. 127 - 132  

Dadang Hamdan Iskandar,Widhya Nusantari,Abdul Hayyie Alkattani

The presence of Islamic guidance and counceling administrations in schools can be utilized as a technique by instructors in giving direction and inspiration to understudies as per the lessons of the Qur'an and Hadith by applying strict qualities as an aid... see more

Pags. 133 - 142  

Sayyidah Laila Lathiefah,Oking Setia Priatna,Hasan Basri Tanjung

This study aims to determine the role of Scout Education in Improving Student Leadership at the Leader School of MA Hidayatullah Depok. This research is a qualitative research with data collection techniques in the form of observation studies, interviews ... see more

Pags. 143 - 154  

Eka Paradila,Zahid Mubarok,M. Kholil Nawawi

Gadgets as a communication tool that facilitates human communication activities are currently widely used by the community, including children, because gadgets are an interesting thing for children, so most of them spend time playing gadgets. Parental gui... see more

Pags. 155 - 164  

Ade Mohamad Abdurahman,Muhammad Ali Ramdhani,Chaerul Rochman,Hasan Basri

Teacher literacy on teacher quality standards is very important to realize the implementation of quality education. For this reason, through this research, an analysis of the literacy standards of teacher quality has been carried out in order to achieve t... see more

Pags. 165 - 174