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Volume 9 Number 02 Year 2096

8 articles in this issue 

Galang Raka Abdilah, Elmanora, Hamiyati

AbstrakOrang tua berperan penting dalam menentukan asupan gizi pada anak prasekolah salah satunya dengan cara praktik pemberian makan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan praktik pemberian makan dengan status gizi anak prasekolah d... see more

Pags. 127 - 141  

Hurriyyatun Kabbaro

Remaja merupakan tahap perkembangan manusia yang memiliki tugas perkembangan mencari identitas diri. Keluarga merupakan salah satu pihak yang mendukung dan mendampingi proses pemenuhan tugas perkembangan remaja. Remaja dari keluarga buruh migran memiliki ... see more

Pags. 142 - 151  

Herawati, Risda Rizkillah

Perceraian mengakibatkan perubahan struktur dalam keluarga sehingga menimbulkan status yang disebut dengan orang tua tunggal. Orang tua tunggal terutama ayah terkadang merasa stres sehingga membutuhkan dukungan sosial. Stres dan dukungan sosial akan memen... see more

Pags. 152 - 163  

Witri Evilia Rahayu, Rizki Dwi Ramadhanty, Alfiasari

Mother-child interaction for children with special needs is one of the keys to a positive parenting process . This study aimed to analyze the influence of social support and mother's acceptance on mother-child interaction in families with children with sp... see more

Pags. 164 - 176  

Fachrina Bella Syahputri

     The rise of cases of violence against children is increasingly being encountered and increasingly underestimated by the environment. Violence against children by irresponsible people can result in physical, psychological, depressi... see more

Pags. 177 - 187  

Saskia Dewanto

This study aims to determine the relationship of parenting parents with the behavior of clean and healthy life of children in Pondok pesantren Al-Hamid. This study is a quantitative research using motode survey with correlational approach data collection ... see more

Pags. 188 - 199  

Novia Razmuliani, Yani Achdiani, Ana Ana

The study was set against a background of the development of digital technology that supported the quality of spreading information in outreach activities at the Bandung family learning center. Multifaceted technological developments provide ease for the ... see more

Pags. 200 - 211  

Rizka Latifah, Yoyoh Jubaedah, Yani Achdiani

This research is aimed to develop learning media about food preservation from vegetal ingredients with interactive virtual whiteboard in high school. The method used is Research and Development with the ADDIE Model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implemen... see more

Pags. 212 - 222