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Number Volume 13 Nomor 1 Tahun 2021 Year 2021

7 articles in this issue 

Hanung Eka Atmaja, Ivo Novitaningtyas

The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred globally has an impact on various sectors in Indonesia including the MSMEs sector. Based on these conditions, a marketing strategy is needed for MSMEs in Indonesia to be sustainable. The research aims to analyze and des... see more

Pags. 1 - 11  

Dian Marlina Verawati, Andhatu Achsa, Rian Destiningsih

Magelang Regency has twenty Balkondes interesting to visit. One of them is Balkondes first Balkondes Borobudur in Magelang Borobudur Region. Balkondes Borobudur is one of the Balkondes which has its own uniqueness in buildings with classic nuances and bea... see more

Pags. 12 - 22  

Dita Amanah, Dedy Ansari Harahap, Muji Gunarto, Purwanto Purwanto

Retensi pelanggan penting untuk dianalisis agar perusahaan mampu menentukan berbagai strategi dalam mempertahankan pelanggan. Selain itu, retensi pelanggan merupakan satu tahap di atas loyalitas pelanggan sehingga perusahaan perlu untuk selalu mengetahuin... see more

Pags. 23 - 36  

Eka Rosalina Rosalina

To produce good performance, construction consulting service business actors must know how to managetheir business finances. A construction consultant service business with good performance will have highcompetitiveness. To make this happen, qualified hum... see more

Pags. 37 - 47  

Ika Yuanita

The student admission system at Politeknik Negeri Padang (PNP) is divided into several systems, namelyacceptance by invitation with a quata of 30 percent, for the bidikmisi route by 40 percent, while through thePolytechnic entrance examination by 30 perce... see more

Pags. 48 - 59  

Maha Putra

The research aims to determine the analysis of leadership and work discipline of employees' performance.The research used a quantitative method, conducted on 60 employees of PT Tri Centrum Fortuna, withsaturation or total sampling because the study partic... see more

Pags. 60 - 69  

Hafizh Hidayatullah Esas

This research has the goal of testing the influence of motivation, self-efficacy, and time management asmoderation variables on the academic performance of master's students. The research method is acorrelational descriptive method that is obtained data a... see more

Pags. 70 - 82