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Volume 7 Number 2 Year 2021

39 articles in this issue 

Erlando Andriansa Buana,Purwono Sungkowo Raharjo

This legal research aims to find out how the form of legal protection given by mortgage regulations to the auction winner in the transfer of land rights and what obstacles occur in the transfer of land rights to the auction winner at the Sukoharjo Regency... see more

Pags. 509 - 519  

Hartana Hartana

The growth of coal mining business in the last ten years in The Indoensia region must certainly be balanced with the fulfillment of the prevailing laws and regulations. So in this article will be discussed about the legislation that specifically regulates... see more

Pags. 520 - 526  

Muhammad Irfan,Rahayu Subekti,Purwono Sungkowo Raharjo

This study aims to determine the concept of the no work no pay principle in laws and regulations by companies with the Covid- 19 Pandemic concept. Methods This research is a prescriptive normative legal research. The legal sources of this legal research u... see more

Pags. 527 - 539  

Fenny Budi,Rahayu Subekti

The objective of research was to find out the suitability of the use of protected forests in Karanganyar Regency for tourist attractions with statutory and concerning the legality of retribution withdrawal by local governments which is legal because local... see more

Pags. 540 - 549  

Sukmajati Fajar,Rahayu Subekti

The purpose of writing this research is to find out about pancasila justice in the of industrial relations dispute mediation at the Departement of Industry and Manpower of Sukoharjo Regency. The writing of this research uses a normative juridicial legal r... see more

Pags. 550 - 558  

I Wayan Partama Putra

Based on the Badung Regency Regional Regulation Number 8 of 2014 concerning the Implementation of Employment Services in article 11 of the perda, it states that companies provide opportunities for local workers, with the company's needs without compromisi... see more

Pags. 559 - 569  

Tiara Yahya Deramayati,Satria Unggul Wicaksana

The justice of in absentia got a serious issues that concered to the pros and cons defendant of corruption criminal act, which is the good impact of in absentia implementation can advanced the justice process in recovering the costs state offered another ... see more

Pags. 570 - 591  

Winda Fitri,Alif Firdausa

Currently football has become an industry that includes all forms of business activities in it. Including the matter of buying and selling players in football or better known as transfers. This research aims to find out how Islamic law reviews the positio... see more

Pags. 592 - 604  

Hari Sutra Disemadi,Regent Regent

The existence of human civilization has entered a comprehensive stage of progress, the real form of this progress can be seen from the increasingly advanced development of information and communication technology. These technological advances have also be... see more

Pags. 605 - 618  

Tantimin Tantimin

Development is a goal of the Indonesian nation to increase in increasing its growth. Development must be based on the principle of sustainable development based on environmental principles in the Sustainable Development Goals. However, in its implementati... see more

Pags. 619 - 627  

Asmin Patros,Cindy Anggelia

One of the national problems that are often ignored by the government. Yet to this day, there are still many women who are the object of sexual violence. However, there are very few legal instruments that can protect their rights. Most victims who try to ... see more

Pags. 628 - 640  

Marthsian Yeksi Anakotta

The designation of armed criminal groups (KKB) in Papua as a terrorist group/organization raises pros and cons because the KKB has so far been identified with the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM), which is one of the armed separatist moveme... see more

Pags. 641 - 662  

Rahmi Ayunda,Rusdianto Rusdianto

The development of information technology resulted in the industrial revolution 4 times. Starting from the 1.0 industrial revolution that occurred in the 18th century until now in the 4.0 industrial revolution that occurred in 2010. The 4.0 Industrial Rev... see more

Pags. 663 - 677  

Muzayanah Muzayanah,Dyah Listyarini,Sukarman Sukarman

The election of regional heads is an activity in the context of implementing a democratic government system and aims to obtain quality regional leaders, able to work honestly, cleanly and with dignity. Among the requirements for a regional head candidate,... see more

Pags. 678 - 705  

Siti Rohani,Tiza Yaniza

This study aims to determine the role of economic law in assisting MSME actors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Entikong District, Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan with the issuance of Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 11/POJK.03/2020. So that... see more

Pags. 706 - 716  

Dewi Kharisma,Djulaeka Djulaeka

The art of traditional batik motifs is a cultural heritage that contains interesting wisdom values to examine in terms of motifs, ornaments, processes, colors, and functions of a piece of batik. In the case of copyright infringement against the use of tra... see more

Pags. 717 - 727  

I Dewa Gede Herman Yudiawan,I Komang Trisna Adi Putra

The Covid-19 pandemic situation that has occurred this year has forced the government to issue all policies to regulate the public to avoid or reduce the risk of contracting the Covid-19 virus. The Bali Governor Regulation 46 of 2020 aims as stipulated in... see more

Pags. 728 - 735  

Anak Agung Gde Pradantya Adi Wibawa

The procedure of law enforcement against international crime includes the problem of developing bilateral and multilateral cooperation in preventing and combating international criminal acts. For example, by entering into an extradition agreement or by en... see more

Pags. 736 - 745  

Suarman Suarman

Citizenship lessons require a student not only to receive lessons in the form of knowledge, but also to develop from attitudes, skills and values. In relation to the quality of education, especially education at the junior high school level, it is still f... see more

Pags. 746 - 758  

Muhammad Oki Nugroho,Paisol Burlian,Arne Huzaimah

This study analyzes the authority of the local government in harmonizing, unifying, and strengthening the concept of the Provincial Regional Regulation Draft. 15 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Law no. 12 of 2011 and their application in South Sumatra Pr... see more

Pags. 759 - 778  

Ni Putu Rai Yuliartini,Ni Luh Putu Trisna Yuliartini

The freedom and confidentiality of communication between diplomatic missions and sending countries is the most important privilege and immunity in diplomatic relations. The diplomatic bag is one of the many communication facilities excluded from Article 2... see more

Pags. 779 - 789  

Winda Fitri,Sheerleen Sheerleen

Online Single Submission (OSS) or electronically integrated business licensing is a business license issued on behalf of the Ministries and also local governments as regulated and listed in Government Regulation Number 24 of 2018. The establishment of the... see more

Pags. 790 - 807  

Rangga Dwi Saputra,L.ya Estyy Pratiwi,Eric Eric,Dedy Stansyah

In ASEAN and the EU, there is a social problem that underlies a similar problem that occurred in ASEAN and the EU regarding the authority of regional human rights institutions in deciding a case of human rights violations. ASEAN also does not have an inde... see more

Pags. 808 - 827  

Nur Hadiyati,Aozora Ratu Pitaloka

Imigrasi diartikan sebagai gerak pindah penduduk memasuki suatu Negara dengan maksud menetap dan melangsungkan kehidupan di Negara tersebut. Bersumber dari situs Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemdikbud), orang melakukan aktivitas imigrasi didoron... see more

Pags. 815 - 866  

Windi Afdal,Wulan Purnamasari

Adanya perjanjian kerja di dalam sebuah klausul yang yang memuat tentang pengaturan tenaga kerja untuk menyetujui atau tidak posisi pekerjaan sebagai karyawan atau bagian perusahaan yang akan dianggap sebagai pesaing atau lawan yang bergerak di bidang usa... see more

Pags. 828 - 842  

Endah Rantau Itasari,Ketut Awet Putra Karyawan

Kebebasan dalam hidup merupakan suatu hak mutlak yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap manusia tanpa terkecuali. Karena dengan adanya kebebasan bagi seseorang akan meningkatkan kualitas hidup yang lebih baik lagi. Jika melihat banyak kasus mengenai kekerasaan d... see more

Pags. 843 - 850  

Vera Ayu Riandini,Lisa Gusrianti

Keberadaan internet dewasa ini tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan kehidupan masyarakat di Indonesia, penyebaran informasi dalam berbagai bentuk dan bidang dapat dilakukan secara cepat dan mudah. Begitu pula dengan salah satu karya cipta yaitu Fotografi. Kemuda... see more

Pags. 867 - 882  

Ni Putu Yunika Sulistyawati,Sang Ayu Made Ary Kusumawardhani,Ida Ayu Novita Yogan Dewi

Violations occur because motorists do not obey road signs and markings, which results in congestion and is more at risk of leading to an accident. The government, in this case the city government of Denpasar, has issued Regional Regulation for the City of... see more

Pags. 883 - 890  

Anak Agung Sagung Ngurah Indradewi,Anak Agung Istri Vera Arifiani

The problem of international migration at this time has become a problem for every country, be it country of origin, country of destination or country of transit. Several government policies related to granting visas to foreign nationals are expected to e... see more

Pags. 891 - 906  

Cindy Kang,Pinsolle-Dubourg Quentin,Dao Gia Phuc,David Tan

The Covid-19 pandemic that has occurred almost all over the world has had a very significant impact on various aspects. In this regard, the pandemic has directly or indirectly affected international trade. International business contracts are one of the e... see more

Pags. 907 - 923  

Winda Fitri,Elviani Elviani

This research discusses the scope of prenuptial agreement enforcement and legal protection for the parties that involved in mixed marriages in the event of a cancellation of the prenuptial agreement. The research method used in this article is normative r... see more

Pags. 924 - 942  

Rahmi Ayunda

An increase in corporate concern for the quality of people’s lives, can create social and environmental harmonization that can affect business activities. Then was born the demand for the role of the company to have Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). ... see more

Pags. 943 - 953  

Ratna Kumala Sari,Iqbal Kamalludin

Legal protection for children must begin as early as possible, so that one day they can participate optimally for the development of the nation and state. Child protection is an embodiment of justice in a society, which must be endeavored in various field... see more

Pags. 954 - 965  

John Tomi Siska,Tantimin Tantimin

Tindak pidana kelalaian merupakan kasus yang banyak menimbulkan pro dan kontra. Hal ini dikarenakan tindak pidana kelalaian adalah tindak pidana yang terjadi karena suatu perbuatan yang tidak dikehendaki oleh pelakunya melainkan dikarenakan oleh keceroboh... see more

Pags. 966 - 977  

Michelle Angelika,Laksanto Utomo

The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia has had a huge impact on Indonesian society from health, legal, social, and other perspectives. With the rapid spread of the virus, the government is close to preventing and controlling the COVID-19 pandemic as early as ... see more

Pags. 978 - 992  

Made Wahyu Arthadana

Pemilik tanah dan/atau bangunan yang belum bersertipikat bila melakukan pengalihan hak dengan memakai syarat akan dialihkan setelah bersertipikat, maka pemilik tanah dan/atau bangunan tersebut akan membayar PPh Final Pengalihan Hak atas Tanah dan Bangunan... see more

Pags. 993 - 1010  

Ida Bagus Alit Yoga Maheswara

Keberagaman budaya dan latar belakang masyarakat Republik Indonesia menciptakan suatu perkumpulan adat dimana masyarakatnya hidup dengan kebiasaan – kebiasaan tertentu yang berlaku di wilayah masyarakatnya masing – masing. Perkumpulan ini disebut sebagai ... see more

Pags. 1011 - 1023  

Ai Permanasari,Yohanes Hermanto Sirait

Sharenting has become a phenomenon nowadays. Parents often share content in the form of photos or videos about their children through internet and social media. Unfortunately, the shared content is often detrimental to children's interests. This article a... see more

Pags. 1024 - 1040  

Abdurrakhman Alhakim

The unlimited use of Information Technology (IT) has made cybercrime accessible to everyone. Technology can be very useful for daily needs, but on the other hand it can also be used irresponsibly by certain parties such as the distribution of pornographic... see more

Pags. 1041 - 1053