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Volume 7 Number 2 Year 2023

35 articles in this issue 

Mifthahul Jannah,Reinita Reinita

Kurangnya penggunaan media yang menarik, menyenangkan dan mudah untuk dipahami peserta didik membuat peserta didik kesulitan dalam memahami materi serta sering merasa bosan dan kurangnya motivasi untuk belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menciptak... see more

Pags. 1095 - 1104  

Raden Rara Rizki Mahanani,Maria Melani Ika Susanti

Implementasi kedisiplinan sangat dibutuhkan pada zaman ini sebagai hasil upaya yang tengah dilakukan Indonesia untuk menciptakan generasi yang unggul. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil implementasi karakter kedisiplinan mulai dari perencanaa... see more

Pags. 1105 - 1116  

Katherine Putri Rivelia,Reinita Reinita

The rapid development of the times has made many changes in various sectors. There are more facilities and conveniences that can be used in learning. But in reality, the media used by teachers in learning is only limited to showing videos or PPT through i... see more

Pags. 1117 - 1126  

Budi Setiawan Ginting,Mesiono Mesiono,Uswatun Hasanah,Muhammad Irwansyah,Rija Ansyari

Learning and all educational activities in madrasas are strongly influenced by the organizational culture of communication adopted by the principal of the madrasa. This study aims to describe the culture of organizational communication at MI Kesuma LKMD N... see more

Pags. 1127 - 1132  

Sartika Hutasuhut,Mesiono Mesiono,Muhammad Isa,Deni Khurniawan,Yulita Suyatmika

This study uses a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. The phenomenological approach of the researcher tries to understand the meaning of various events in a certain setting with the perspective of the researcher himself. The use ... see more

Pags. 1133 - 1139  

Ega Diana,Rusydi Ananda,Sindy Sintiya,Khairunnisa Harahap,Sulis Mawar Dani,Muhammad Azhar

This study aims to describe the implementation of cybernetic theory learning in improving student learning outcomes in the SKI subject at MIN 3 Langkat. This type of research is qualitative with a descriptive study method, meaning that the researcher seek... see more

Pags. 1140 - 1147  

Amiruddin Siahaan,Amiruddin Amiruddin,Titik Ningsih,Wahyu Sakban,Tuti Ernawati

Economic well-being is a latent problem for teachers in education, so the government is trying to program teacher certification. This study aims to analyze teacher certification as an effort to increase teacher involvement in educating students at the bas... see more

Pags. 1148 - 1155  

Amiruddin Amiruddin,Amiruddin Siahaan,Three Wulan Ramadhani,Sitti Isni Azzaah,Rizka Amalia Rahmadhani

Demoralization and dehumanization are critical factors that must be considered by the teacher while speaking to the student since they are frequently linked to the teacher's sincerity in delivering the code of ethics for the discipline. The most effective... see more

Pags. 1156 - 1162  

Rizka Zusanti Siregar,Indra Sugianto,Mariono Mariono,Lesmana Ginting,Latifah Latifah,Erlina Anriani Siahaan

Quality of the school system is an important consideration for parents when homeschooling children. The research aims to measure and assess the success of the strategy to improve the quality of basic education institutions at the SD/MI level. The focus of... see more

Pags. 1163 - 1170  

Raden Fadli Daulay,Riki Irawan,Siti Nurhalizah,Wildan Murtadho,Amiruddin Siahaan,Amiruddin Amiruddin

The teaching profession is considered important as a basic milestone for the progress of a nation, because developed nations have quality education. The quality of education is very dependent on the competence possessed by educators, especially teachers a... see more

Pags. 1171 - 1177  

Dandi Irawan Sembiring,Muhammad Yusri,Ramadhan Syahputra,Amiruddin Siahaan,Amiruddin Amiruddin

The quality of a nation is largely determined by the quality of education. The process towards quality education requires professional educators in accordance with the code of ethics and the teaching profession. This study aims to analyze efforts to devel... see more

Pags. 1178 - 1184  

Wildan Murtadho,Raden Fadli Daulay,Siti Nurhalizah,Riki Irawan,Mardianto Mardianto,Haidir Haidir

The personality of the teacher is the main focus in the digital era, because students can imitate the teacher's behavior in the real world and in cyberspace. This research examines the practice of daily worship, personality competence and the intensity of... see more

Pags. 1185 - 1192  

Haidir Haidir,Mardianto Mardianto,Dandi Irawan Sembiring,Muhammad Yusri,Ramadan Syah Putra

This study aims to see how the behavior of today's children towards the tik tok application. The formulation of the research problem is how to influence the use of the Tik-Tok application on the behavior of children in Binjai City. The purpose of this res... see more

Pags. 1193 - 1199  

Rani Nurisa Tanjung,Syamsu Nahar,Fibri Rakhmawati

The implementation of rules in the classroom, including the imposition of punishment (iqab), can help students develop their personalities. In this study, the 'iqab program for elementary school children at the Darul Hikmah Islamic boarding school, Asahan... see more

Pags. 1200 - 1208  

Mardianto Mardianto,Lidra Agustina Tanjung,Fahri Agung Nasution,Fiki Robi Handoko Harahap,Vera Yunita Siregar,Silvi Rewita,Sabila Akbar

The major consideration for pupils during the learning process is morality. This study intends to outline the methods Islamic religious education (PAI) instructors use to boost the spirits of young students. The Mutiara Aulia Medan Sunggal IT Middle Schoo... see more

Pags. 1209 - 1216  

Muhammad Hafiz,Mardianto Mardianto,Abdul Hafizh Azizi Batubara,Abdul Rasyid Rosandi Lubis,Nur Atika,Najaruddin Butar-Butar,Rahmad Anwi Siregar

Low self-confidence is one of the problems faced by students in the learning process, so that the teacher's efforts are needed to facilitate the improvement of character building in students. This study aims to determine the effect of the SAVI (Somatic, A... see more

Pags. 1217 - 1225  

Rusydi Ananda,Maharani Sartika Ritonga,Aidil Ridwan Daulay,Pauli Anggraini,Hasnan Abdi,Addurun Nafis Harahap,Mashabi M. Noor Ritonga

Due to technological advancements, educators must choose effective teaching materials that meet students' developmental needs. The purpose of this study is to evaluate teachers' capacity to create instructional materials for the 2013 curriculum at SMP IT ... see more

Pags. 1226 - 1232  

Lidra Agustina Tanjung,Amiruddin Siahaan,Aidil Ridwan Daulay,Fiki Robi Handoko Harahap,Maharani Sartika,Muhammad Hafiz,Sabila Akbar,Vera Yunita Siregar,Muhammad Azhar

Al-Qur'an is primary literacy for Muslims, including elementary age children. Likewise, for mentally retarded children the ability to read the Koran still leaves its own problems. This study aims to describe efforts to improve the ability to read the lett... see more

Pags. 1233 - 1240  

Miftahul Anwar,Muhammad Umar Wakhid,Andi Warisno,Afif Anshori,Anan Andari

Due to its role as an educational facility throughout the early stages of Islam's development in Indonesia, Surau demonstrates institutional existence in educating the country's youth in addition to historical relevance. This study aims to describe the ad... see more

Pags. 1241 - 1248  

Sri Wahyuni,Sri Wahyuni Nasir,Neliwati Neliwati

Principal leadership has a crucial and vital role in creating a conducive learning climate in schools, including improving teacher performance. This study aims to analyze the efforts of school principals in improving teacher performance at the basic educa... see more

Pags. 1249 - 1256  

Siti Nurhaliza,Sri Rahmayani Manalu,Sukandi Sukandi,Salminawati Salminawati

According to the Islamic educational paradigm known as Wahdatul Ulum, knowledge comes from the One Supreme Being (Allah swt.). Many academic institutions are now concerned with using this paradigm-based teaching to instill the significance of religious ed... see more

Pags. 1257 - 1264  

Yudhi Septian Harahap,Nur Khafifah Indriyani,Saripah Aini,Ira Suryani

For humans, character plays a crucial part in preventing them from leaving their sphere and entering that of servants. The purpose of this study is to examine how character values are taught in elementary school-aged children's Bidayah Hidayah novels in t... see more

Pags. 1265 - 1271  

Nanda Nurul Baiti,Muhammad Amin,Saripah Aini,Salminawati Salminawati

Science provides real change for the development of human life, including a scientific approach in the learning process in schools. This study aims to describe the urgency of studying the history of science development for elementary age children. This ty... see more

Pags. 1272 - 1277  

Eva Ludy Astuti,Firosalia Kristin

Penggunaan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi masih belum sepenuhnya digunakan secara maksimal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan media pembelajaran google classroom terhadap hasil belajar IPS siswa kelas 5 SD Negeri 01 W... see more

Pags. 1278 - 1285  

Septivianti Putri Indra Nirmalasari,Maria Melani Ika Susanti

Adanya pandemi mengakibatkan perubahan pelaksanaan pembelajaran dari luring menjadi daring. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni untuk mengetahui bagaimana desain, implementasi, evaluasi dan hasil efektivitas penggunaan alat Quizizz untuk meningkatkan capaian... see more

Pags. 1286 - 1294  

Nugroho Nugroho

Online learning as a method of avoiding the spread of COVID-19 adds a new dimension to the fight against this virus. The first publication with online learning as a topic can be traced back to  1986, An Algorithm for Learning Without Extern... see more

Pags. 1295 - 1304  

Emy Yunita Rahma Pratiwi,Ratih Asmarani,Lina Sundana,Desty Dwi Rochmania,Claudya Zahrani Susilo,Anggara Dwinata

Berdasarkan observasi di SDN Kepanjen 1 Jombang, bahwa kesiapan dan keaktifan peserta didik masih rendah pada kegiatan pembelajaran P5 dengan penerapan kurikulum merdeka dan merdeka belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh penerapan kurikul... see more

Pags. 1313 - 1322  

Mia Pramudianti,Choirul Huda,Widya Kusumaningsih,Christin Eni Wati

Pendidikan berdiferensiasi merupakan Pendidikan yang menyediakan keinginan style berlatih siswa yang mempunyai karakter yang berlainan. Setiap peserta didik memiliki keunikannya sendiri. Mereka memiliki gaya belajar dan kebutuhan belajarnya masing-masing.... see more

Pags. 1315 - 1312  

Citra Stiati,Irdamurni Irdamurni

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi peneliti menemukan anak gangguan spektrum autisme (GSA) yang terisolasi dan memiliki kesibukan sendiri-sendiri tergabung kedalam sebuah grup band hingga memiliki prestasi yang gemilang di bidang seni musik, dimana keterbata... see more

Pags. 1323 - 1331  

Ilham Ilham,Munirah Munirah,Muhammad Akhir

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perbandingan metode SQ3R (survey question read recite review) dan metode CIRC (cooperative integrated reading and compotion)  terhadap kemampuan membaca pemahaman siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar wilayah emp... see more

Pags. 1332 - 1338  

Intan Lestari Puspasari,Otib Satibi Hidayat,Uswatun Hasanah

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perlunya media pembelajaran yang menarik dalam pembelajaran IPS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis kebutuhan pengembangan media pembelajaran kartu HILO dan pemahaman siswa terhadap media kartu UNO pada ... see more

Pags. 1339 - 1347  

Hanisya Nurul Fazrina,Otib Satibi Hidayat,Uswatun Hasanah

Rendahnya skor PISA menggambarkan kondisi pembelajaran IPA di sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendekatan I-SETS terhadap hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas V sekolah dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian ku... see more

Pags. 1348 - 1355  

Alfattah Akbar Jiwangga,M. Subandowo,Hari Karyono

Hasil belajar pada peserta didik kelas III di SD Surabaya masih rendah. Hal ini disebabkan karena pembelajaran tidak berkualitas, artinya pendidik belum sepenuhnya menerapkan proses pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan... see more

Pags. 1356 - 1366  

Afaf Izzah Kamilah,Otib Satibi Hidayat,Uswatun Hasanah

Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya kebutuhan media pembelajaran PPKn sebagai upaya meningkatkan moral pada siswa sekolah dasar. Dalam pembelajaran PPKn siswa bukan hanya sekedar mempelajari teori saja tetapi siswa membutuhkan contoh penerapan ny... see more

Pags. 1367 - 1374  

Yanti Yandri Kusuma,Hasnah Faizah,M Nur,Elmustian Elmustian,Hermandra Hermandra

Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang penggunaan bahan ajar dalam kearifan lokal. guna menghasilkan tenaga akademik, profesi, dan vokasi (calon guru dan guru) yang memiliki kompetensi unggul. Penyusunan bahan ajar yang selama ini dilaksanakan (model faktual) ol... see more

Pags. 1375 - 1385