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Volume 4 Number 2 Year 2021

9 articles in this issue 

Hendrikus Haipon,Yohanes Don Bosco Watu

AbstractThe purpose of the study was to determine the role of the Compang Lawi Village Consultative Body, Sambi Rampas District, East Manggarai Regency in overseeing the 2016 Village Fund Allocation in Compang Lawi Village. This type of research and resea... see more

Pags. 125 - 133  

Naufal Adi Pratama,Rizal Dwi Novianto

AbstractThe purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the implementation of the Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement policy carried out by the police in building legal awareness of the people of the city of Surabaya during traffic. The research m... see more

Pags. 134 - 146  

Tasya Ramadhani,Rr Ervina Nadila Megawati

AbstractThe aim of the research is on the uneven distribution of aid during this pandemic and what are the requirements for the community to receive such assistance. Using empirical research methods that are based on the results of interviews from informa... see more

Pags. 147 - 158  

Margareta Sevilla Rosa Angelin,Farida Danas Putri,Akbar Prasetyo Sanduan

 Abstract The purpose of the research from this journal is to determine how the position of extramarital child in inheritance law applies in Indonesia. Then afterwards, it will appear how the inheritance law in the Indonesian state regulates the inhe... see more

Pags. 159 - 169  

Adetya Firnanda,Clarisa Fitri,Fahmi Ardianto

AbstractThe Covid-19 pandemic has hit several countries in the world, including Indonesia. Some of those affected were the industrial world, which resulted in layoffs. In the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Government issued the Job Creation Law and s... see more

Pags. 170 - 180  

Shintya Kurnia Beti F,Dianita Putri Oktavia D

AbstractAn analysis of the rights of road users in Gresikan Market where traders sell to eat the highway, causing congestion and causing motorists to feel disturbed. The congestion comes from buyers who park their vehicles not neatly and by chance, and al... see more

Pags. 181 - 192  

Andyna Susiawati Achmad,Astrid Athina Indradewi

Abstract This research aims to find a legal certainty regarding liability of an intermediary trader towards final consumer. All of these times, there is a legal vacuum regarding the legal relationship which occurs between, sellers, intermediaries, and con... see more

Pags. 193 - 202  

Dea Agustina Rahayu,Chynthia Devi

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to conduct a rejection of acts of violence against children, this study uses empirical research where the source is based on observations and interviews, but also based on various approaches. Through this study the res... see more

Pags. 203 - 212  

Guntur Afrizal Rizky,Ach. Fauzi Taufik Farid,Taupan Riza P

AbstractThis writing aims to analyze whether the TNI who sells ammunition to the Free Papua Organization terrorists can be held criminally responsible if viewed from the Criminal Code. as an act against the law, capable of being responsible, is intentiona... see more

Pags. 213 - 224