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Volume 11No1 Number Dinamika Ilmu Vol 11 No 1, Juni 2011 Year 2011

6 articles in this issue 

Zurqoni Zurqoni

High-Islamic religious education has a role to prepare graduates who have the role of academic and professional capabilities and the ability of community. The role of universities is packaged in a tri-dharma which includes providing education and teaching... see more


M. Eka Mahmud

The information age is supported by the power of information and communication technology, known as ICT (information communication and technology), has a great influence in the lives of everyday people, such as ways of working and managing organizations (... see more


Moh. Muklis

Teaching the language is not just transferred the knowledge from educators to students. Moreover, teaching the language must be transformed from an instructor to participant learning. Therefore a teacher must also understand the basic character and cultur... see more


Muhammad Iwan Abdi

Contextual teaching learning (CTL) is an educational process that aims to help students see meaning in academic material they are learning by connecting academic subjects with the context of their daily, which is related to personal circumstances, social,... see more


Nurdin Nurdin

Education is the interaction between humans and the environment including the natural environment and environmental human being. The interaction is not simply the result of human interaction with nature and with fellow human beings, but rather the result ... see more


Khojir Khojir

Islamic education as a science faces a pull of the study of dogmatic theological or philosophical studies. So there is an assumption that the study of Islamic education has been adopting Western philosophy and then looked for justification in Qur’an. From... see more