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ISSN: 1411-2485    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 19 Number 2 Year 2017

7 articles in this issue 

Siti Nurminarsih,Ahmad Rusdiansyah,Maulin Masyito Putri

The implementation of AEC (Asian Economic Community) leads to demand increase at ports in Indonesia. This increasing demand is followed by operational efficiency at the port as well. In fact, ports in Indonesia have an average dwell time for 5 days. One o... see more

Pags. 67 - 74  

Suprayogi Suprayogi,Yusuf Priyandari

This paper discusses a vehicle routing problem with multiple trips, time windows, and simultaneous delivery-pickup (VRPMTTWSDP). This problem is a variant of the basic vehicle routing problem (VRP) including the following characteristics: multiple trips, ... see more

Pags. 75 - 82  

Rahul S Mor,Sarbjit Singh,Arvind Bhardwaj

Dairy industry is one of the essential global industries with considerably important implications for world economy where the dairy supply chains (DSC) cover every stage of the food system starting from the milk production at farmer level to final consump... see more

Pags. 83 - 92  

Ezra Putranda Setiawan,Dedi Rosadi

Diversifikasi saham merupakan salah satu cara yang dilakukan investor untuk memperkecil risiko investasi. Pada umumnya, diversifikasi mengacu pada hasil perhitungan matematis berdasarkan nilai pengembalian (return) masing-masing saham, misalnya pada model... see more

Pags. 93 - 102  

Doddy Prayogo,Richard Antoni Gosno,Richard Evander,Sentosa Limanto

Penelitian ini menyelidiki performa dari metode metaheuristik baru bernama symbiotic organisms search (SOS) dalam menentukan tata letak fasilitas proyek konstruksi yang optimal berdasarkan jarak tempuh pekerja. Dua buah studi kasus tata letak fasilitas di... see more

Pags. 103 - 114  

Suprayogi Suprayogi,Daniel Bunga Paillin

This paper discusses a variant of the basic vehicle routing problem (VRP) by including the following characteristics: fleet size and mix, multiple trips, split delivery, and multiple compartments. One of real cases of this problem is related to determinin... see more

Pags. 115 - 124  

Tanti Octavia,Septiananda Angelica

Implementation of mobile rack warehouse is commonly used in manufacturing industry because it can minimize the warehouse area used. Applying picking orders in taking of Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) on mobile rack warehouses could give fast loading order. This... see more

Pags. 125 - 132