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ISSN: 1411-2485    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 17 Number 2 Year 2015

8 articles in this issue 

Budi Hartono,Riesa Ayuningtyas,Yun Prihantina Mulyani

During project implementation, risk becomes an integral part of project monitoring. Therefore. a tool that could dynamically include elements of risk in project progress monitoring is needed. This objective of this study is to develop a general framework ... see more

Pags. 61 - 70  

Suprayogi Suprayogi,Valentine Valentine

This paper discusses the multiple jobs scheduling problem with simultaneous resources. The problem involves one or more jobs with each job consist of a set of operations. Each operation is performed by more than one resource simultaneously. Number of u... see more

Pags. 71 - 80  

Poppy Amriyati,Diah Chaerani,Eman Lesmana

Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) merupakan teknik pencarian rute yang dimulai dari satu titik awal, setiap kota harus dikunjungi sekali dan kemudian kembali ke tempat asal sehingga total jarak atau waktu perjalanan adalah minimum. Untuk mengatasi kedakpas... see more

Pags. 81 - 88  

Siana Halim

In this paper we present several techniques for detecting simple defect on the texture. The simple defect means, that the defect can be detected via image histogram or via wavelet of the image histogram. Hill estimator is one of the techniques that we sug... see more

Pags. 89 - 96  

Suprayogi Suprayogi,Hery Ramdhani

This paper discusses the train rescheduling problem due to disturbances. The train rescheduling problem discussed in this paper is taken from a real train network of DAOP II Bandung in Jawa, Indonesia. The train network consists of block sections inclu... see more

Pags. 97 - 104  

Nachnul Ansori,Trisita Novianti,Fitri Agustina,Nur Rakhmawati

Accident generally occurs due to the activities which is done in unsafe conditions or even unsafe behavior. These conditions can influence workers productivity. In batik industries, those workers use toxic material and work in non ergonomic atmosphere. M... see more

Pags. 105 - 110  

Farida Pulansari,Dwi Sukma Donorianto,Iriani Iriani

Electronic Waste (E-waste) is growing attention at the end of this decade. E-waste must be managed properly. E-waste has a negative impact on the environment. E-waste contain B3 (Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun). Reverse Logistics (RL) is one approach that... see more

Pags. 111 - 122  

Jessica Hanafi

Persaingan global mendorong Indonesia untuk memajukan ekonominya. Salah satu cara untuk menjawab tantangan  globalisasi ini adalah dengan menerapkan manufaktur berkelanjutan. Manufaktur berkelanjutan berawal dari manufaktur ramping, produksi bersih d... see more

Pags. 123 - 132