24 articles in this issue
Jeff Pressing
The Ewe percussion music of Ghana is one of the African musics best understood in structural terms at this time, due to the efforts of a number of researchers. The aim of this paper is to further this accumulation of stylistic information by a detailed an... see more
Veit Erlmann
The Central Sudan, enclosing the northern parts of the Cameroons and Nigeria, South-Niger and parte of Chad, has been viewed by different scholars under various aspects as one coherent area sharing certain cultural traits. Some of these are due to the imp... see more
Pierre Augier
Rosemary Joseph
It is with certain qualifications that this paper is titled Zulu Womens Music. While the ensuing discussion does in fact concern music, performed by Zulu women in certain areas of KwaZulu, it is not wished to infer that the practices described are necessa... see more
Wim Van Zanten
Music played on a Malawian pango, a board zither, will be analysed by using concepts of probability theory and information theory. I have tried to make my analysis comprehensible to non-mathematicians. It is, however, impossible to translate all mathemati... see more
Elizabeth N. Wood
Three salient characteristics observed in recorded music in Botswana have been of particular interest to me during four years of music research in this country carried out in the Kgatleng, Kweneng and Kgalagadi Districts. These are (1) the use of metapho... see more
David K. Rycroft
Mitch Strumpf
Rupert Mayr
Roger Blench
The International Library of African Music and the Music Department of Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, jointly organised the 4th annual Symposium on Ethnomusicology which took place on the 7th and 8th October 1983, at the Music Department, B... see more
The Laboratoire de Langues et Civilisations a Tradition Orale of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, held a three-day Round Table from the 11th to 13 th October 1982, organised by Simha Arom, on the general theme of methodologie compa... see more
Under the directorship of Dr Artur Simon, the Ethnomusicological Department of the Museum f Vkerkunde, West Berlin, organised in June 1983 a week of African music performances and demonstrations under the title Tage Afrikanischer Musik (Days of African M... see more
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Junta de Investigaes do Ultramar (now renamed Instituto de InvestigaCientifica Tropical) the Museu de Etnologia (Museum of Ethnology) in the Portuguese capital organised an international Se... see more
Washington. Saudi Arabia pledged five million dollars December 16 towards the construction and development of the Smithsonian Institutions International Centre, one of the major components of the Centre for African, Near Eastern and Asian Cultures which i... see more
ASteelband Non-stop Workshop was held in Wiesen, Austria, from 8 th May to 10th July 1983, organised by Dr Manfred Kremser, Inst f Vkerkunde der Universit Wien, A-1010 Vienna, Universitsstr. 7, Austria.
Keeping up his eventful and multi-media calendar at Iwalewa-Haus, Bayreuth University, Wolfgang Bender has continued to sponsor the African arts in Germany with his invitation of Muraina Oyelami, Yoruba drummer, and former member of the Duro Ladipo Theatr... see more
Our current six-month research project on Systems of traditional education in East andCentral Africa which we are carrying out in affiliation with the Centre for Social Research, University of Malawi, Zomba, (Director: Louis A.H. Msukwa) and with financia... see more