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ISSN: 1907-5790    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 18 Number 2 Year 2023

7 articles in this issue 

Dimas Putra Catur P

The era of globalization and increasingly sophisticated and rapidly developing technology supports the circulation of narcotics by means of smuggling easier to enter other countries, including Indonesia. The increasing factor of narcotics smuggling, espec... see more

Pags. 1 - 31  

Karina Adhania Amirah,Taupiqqurrahman Taupiqqurrahman

The development and adaptation of digitalization have exerted a significant influence various aspects of human life. In the realm of law, the impacts of digitalization can be observed through transformations contract formation. Contract Lifecycle Manageme... see more

Pags. 32 - 54  

Presyta Nurhalida Putri Sejati,Handoyo Prasetyo

Korupsi Penyalahgunaan Alih Fungsi hutan merupakan bentuk korupsi yang tidak hanya merugikan negara saja, tetapi dapat mengancam stabilitas ekonomi negara bahkan menghambat perkembangan perekonomian negara sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh Perusahaan PT Dar... see more

Pags. 55 - 86  

Alika Faza Qinthara,Handoyo Prasetyo

This study aims to analyze the design of good university governance in preventing corruption at the tertiary level and the role of the internal control unit and the university senate in supervising higher education governance. This research is motivated b... see more

Pags. 87 - 105  

Murni Murni,Mega Naurin Nisa

This research aims to examine the basic reasons for the judge's consideration of granting marriage isbat requests to unregistered polygamists. Is it appropriate for a judge to grant a request for isbat for a polygamous marriage that has not yet completed ... see more

Pags. 106 - 127  

Djulaeka Djulaeka,Putri Ayu Pratiwi

Anggapan bahwa merek bukanlah hal yang penting, jangka waktu pendaftaran merek dianggap lama, serta biaya mahal membawa pengaruh banyaknya pelaku usaha UMKM yang belum mengajukan permohonan pendaftaran merek atas produk usahanya. Dengan belum meratanya pe... see more

Pags. 128 - 147  

Teguh Hidayatul Rachmad,Erwin Setyawan,Yohanes Probo Dwi Sasongko

The Indonesian nation has a dark history of humanity. The existence of humanitarian violations in the G30S/PKI incident and the humanitarian tragedy in the 1998 Trisakti incident are clear evidence of gross violations of Human Rights (HAM). These violatio... see more

Pags. 148 - 169