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Volume 9 Number 1 Year 2020

22 articles in this issue 

Editor in Chief Sisfokom

This article contains front-matter of Jurnal Sisfokom (Sistem Informasi dan Komputer), Volume 9 Number 1 - March 2020, which includes a cover page, title page, editorial team, and table of contents.

Pags. i - vi  

Novri Hadinata,Kurniawan kurniawan

CV. Sukses Mandiri merupakan perusahaan swasta yang bergerak sebagai distributor tunggal biskuit AIM yang berasal dari Surabaya dan berbagai macam snack (produk makanan ringan) yang berasal dari Surabaya dengan daerah operasinya meliputi wilayah Sumatera ... see more

Pags. 1 - 7  

Rizaldi Akbar,Mukhtar Mukhtar

Penggunaan tracer study merupakan mediasi dalam pegukuran kinerja lulusan, tetapi hal yang paling menarik disini adalah dimana aplikasi tracer study tidak disediakan secara gratis, kebanyakan perguruan tinggi memiliki masalah yang komplek seperti kurangny... see more

Pags. 8 - 12  

Nurul Huda,Rahayu Amalia

Abstrak--- PT. PLN (persero) WS2JB (Wilayah Sumatera Selatan, Jambi dan Bengkulu) cabang Palembang rayon rivai merupakan salah satu cabang PT. PLN yang berlokasi di Sumatera Selatan. Pada saat ini di dalam pengolahan data inventaris masih sering mengalami... see more

Pags. 13 - 19  

Andrew Kurniawan Vadreas,Dwi Welly Sukma Nirad,Husni Wenti

Paper ini membahas tentang penanganan penyakit pada kucing dengan dukungan expert system. Dengan mengimplementasikan perkembangan teknologi saat ini yang dapat menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan layaknya seorang manusia. Penanganan penyakit pada kucing saat... see more

Pags. 20 - 29  

Robby Rizky Rizky,Zaenal Hakim Hakim

abstrack-rangkasbitung adalah salahsatu kabupaten tertinggal di provinsi banten, sulitnya mendapatkan alat alat kesehatan dan dokter spesialis menyulitkan warga masyarakat rangkasbitung mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang maksimal,penelitian ini untuk me... see more

Pags. 30 - 34  

Fatoni Fatoni,Dony Wahyu Isprananda,Ahmad Syazili

Bina Darma University is an educational institution that has the obligation to provide leave rights for its employees and lecturers. For the process of implementing, managing, calculating, replacing leave will be the task of the Directorate of Human Resou... see more

Pags. 35 - 41  

Novan Wijaya,Adelia Rizky Febriyanti,Anton Wibowo

PT. Pelayaran Sakti Inti Makmur is a express bahari fast boat operator company that has served people of Indonesia since 1990 until today in iall Indonesia waters. PT. Pelayaran Sakti Inti Makmur still uses a manual system such as recap data everyday, we... see more

Pags. 42 - 50  

Umniy Salamah,Andi Purnomo

Cooperatives have a very important role at the moment, because cooperatives provide many benefits to their members. One of the goals of the operation of the cooperative is as an alternative means of borrowing money. PT. Cooperative System Primantara which... see more

Pags. 51 - 58  

Arief Bramanto Wicaksono Putra,Achmad Aulia Rachman,Adji Santoso,Mulyanto Mulyanto

Transportasi pasien antar rumah sakit membutuhkan jalur tercepat, rute terpendek merupakan salah satu opsi terbaik. Pencarian jalur terpendek merupakan proses pencarian menuju simpul tujuan dengan bobot seoptimal mungkin, bobot yang digunakan berupa jarak... see more

Pags. 59 - 68  

Akhsani Taqwiym,Nurasiah Nurasiah

Application of profit and loss is implemented from the problems that occur at PT. Fachri Syafii Akbar where in the PT there was a problem in recording the report so that sometimes the contents of the report did not match the recording in the admin section... see more

Pags. 69 - 76  

Evi Yulianingsih,Nia Oktaviani,Usman Ependi

Clean water is the need of every human being, for that the necessity of clean water is a priority for the government in providing services. The current problem is the lack of clean water that has not been evenly distributed due to government limitations. ... see more

Pags. 77 - 82  

Tri Sugihartono,Rendy Rian Chrisna Putra

The rapid development of science and information technology, electronic technology has also developed rapidly. Indirectly, human lifestyle is influenced by the presence of a variety of sophisticated electronic equipment. With the development of technology... see more

Pags. 83 - 88  

Dzikry Ahmad Fauzy,Iskandar Iskandar,Jepry Rahmadhan,Rinto Priambodo

Sepeda motor adalah sarana transportasi yang penting dalam beraktifitas khususnya di daerah Jakarta yang terkenal kemacetannya. Dengan menggunakan sepeda motor perjalanan yang ditempuh lebih efisien. Maka dari itu sepeda motor membutuhkan perawatan agar k... see more

Pags. 89 - 96  

Benny Wijaya,Arie Pratama

Permasalahan yang ada diwarnet cyber terletak pada belum terdapatnya sistem keamanan server warnet, oleh karena itu beberapa kali server warnet cyber mengalami permasalahan karena adanya penyerangan yang dilakukan oleh pihak lain seperti ping flood, smurf... see more

Pags. 97 - 101  

Hendra Hendra,Mochammad Abdul Azis,Suhardjono Suhardjono

Good accreditation results are the goal of the college. With good accreditation, prospective students can glance at and enter the tertiary institution. To achieve this, there are several aspects that affect good accreditation results, one of which is grad... see more

Pags. 102 - 107  

Lukas Tommy,Delpiah Wahyuningsih,Parlia Romadiana

STMIK Atma Luhur Pangkalpinang setiap tahunnya mengadakan kegiatan PMB dimana saat ini camabanya dapat mendaftar dengan datang langsung ke bagian informasi, mengisi formulir Google Forms, atau menghubungi WA panitia PMB. Ketiga cara pendaftaran ini memili... see more

Pags. 108 - 121  

Tanni Maisari,Asti Amalia Nur Fajrillah

As time goes by the needs and aspects of competence and productivity of Human Resources (HR) are increasingly diverse to form complex communication patterns. To balance and fulfill those needs and aspects, there needs to be an increase in performance, one... see more

Pags. 122 - 131  

Harrizki Arie Pradana,Fitriyani Fitriyani,Marisa Marisa

Sekolah Dasar Islam pada dasarnya adalah sekolah yang menerapkan konsep pendidikan Islam berdasarkan al-Quran dan as-Sunnah. Banyak orang tua memiliki pilihan untuk mengirim anak-anak mereka ke sekolah Islam untuk mengeksplorasi agama Islam lebih lanjut. ... see more

Pags. 132 - 137  

Yurindra Yurindra,Ari Amir Alkodri,Anisah Anisah,Supardi supardi

A common problem that is often faced by almost most Barbershop is in terms of serving customer queues, for barbershops who have many customers and have many service chairs, then of course a good customer queue service management concept is needed as well.... see more

Pags. 138 - 143  

Dahnial Dahnial

Student council election is a routine school activity every year, but currently the student council election is done manually using ballot papers containing the candidates. The weakness of this system is in addition to the process of getting longer result... see more

Pags. 144 - 151