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Volume 3 Number 2 Year 2013

5 articles in this issue 

KP Singh,Harish Chander

The purpose of the study is to assess the professional inclination, academic and social background, family status and their occupation, gender distribution, choice of work, and their perceptions of aspirant LIS students. The study examined the various car... see more


Diane Mizrachi

The purpose of this study is to explore the information management behaviors of undergraduate students in their dormitory rooms, using Personal Information Management (PIM) as the theoretical framework. Ethnographic methods were applied to study how stude... see more


Juyeon Kang,Patrick Saint-dizier

In this work, we first introduce two main approaches to writing requirements and then propose a method based on Natural Language Processing to improve requirement authoring and the overall coherence, cohesion and organization of requirement documents. We ... see more


Amber L Cushing

This exploratory research explores the concept of a digital legacy as a general concept and as a collection of digital possessions with unique characteristics. The results reported in this article are part of a larger study. In Cushing (2013), the author ... see more


Seok-Hyoung Lee,Seo-Young Jeong,Kwang-Young kim

In this paper, citation data that is cross-referenced among journals is established using reference data in CrossRef. Using the established citation data, cited information is created and using DDC classification information, journals are classified. Usin... see more