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Volume 1 Number 1 Year 2011

4 articles in this issue 

Jungsun Son

This study aims to measure the impact of these two variables on consumers' ‘click-through’ rates (the number of users that click on the ad compared to the number of times the ad is delivered). The result is as follows. First, search ads play a critical ro... see more


Patricia R Ladd

This study analyzes circulation statistics of television tie-in picture books from the Wake County Public Library System in North Carolina to determine their popularity among patrons. Caldecott winning picture books were used as a point of comparison. Thi... see more


Mi-Kyung Han

Presidential records are produced and collected with regard to Presidents' performance of his duties. Presidential libraries provide the users with open reading, exhibition, education, and promotion services. To maximize utilization of Presidential record... see more


Younghee Noh,Min-Ju Choi,Yong-Wog Choi,Sin-Won Jeong,Eun-Ji Jung,Mi-So Kang,Jin-Young Kim,Kyung-Won Lee,Sung-Jae Lee,Seon-Hye Oh,So-Yeon Park,Sung-Chul Shin,Da-Jeong Suh

This study purposed to discover whether or not academic libraries reflect these changing roles. We selected K University as the research target and surveyed user satisfaction of materials, staff services, facilities, electronic devices, media, and so on.T... see more