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ISSN: 1413-4853    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume .26 Number n3 Year 2020

5 articles in this issue 

Elias Nasr Naim,Vivian de Oliveira Fernandes,Mauro José Alixandrini Junior,Marcio Augusto Reolon Schmidt

This paper evaluates the data quality of road axes using the OpenStreetMap (OSM) collaborative mapping platform. OSM was chosen owing to the abundance of data and registered contributors (~ 6 million). We assumed the OSM collaborative data could complemen... see more


Fábio Vinícius Marley Santos Lima,Rodrigo Mikosz Gonçalves,Henry Diverth Montecino Castro,Raquel Arcoverde Vila Nova

Freshwater monitoring globally is fundamental to support decision-making. However, long-term hydrological data for some regions are lacking due to limited of observational networks. Remote sensing products come to aggregate the in situ observations and ov... see more


Carla Jaqueline Casaroti,Jorge Antonio Silva Centeno,Stephan Fuchs

The use of OBIA for high spatial resolution image classification can be divided in two main steps, the first being segmentation and the second regarding the labeling of the objects in accordance with a particular set of features and a classifier. Decision... see more