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Volume 2 Number 2 Year 2019

6 articles in this issue 


This study aims to provide empirical evidence about the phenomenon of flypaper effect on local expenditures (regencies/cities) in Central Java Province. The research sample used was 24 regencies/cities in Central Java Province. The research data used were... see more

Pags. 1 - 14  

Asmaul Husna

Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana kondisi perekonomian masyarakat pesisir? bagaimana implementasi Gerakan Nasional Non Tunai (GNNT) terhadap masyarakat pesisir? Dan bagaimana inovasi E-fish pay dapat dikatakan sebagai solusi untuk meningkatkan... see more

Pags. 15 - 26  

Tumpal Manik

This research aims to examine and analyze the effect of digitizing electronic money transactin on cashless society and electronic money infrastructure as a moderating variable. This type of research is a qualitative study, using secondary data in the form... see more

Pags. 27 - 40  

Mawar Sukma Sinaga dan Wahyu

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti dan menganalisis bank desa sebagai inovasi ekonomi pembangunan berkelanjutan melalui strategi kemitraan dan tata kelola pemerintahan dengan collaborative governance. Adapun penelitian berjenis deskriptif ini unt... see more

Pags. 41 - 52  

Inge Lengga Sari Munthe

ABSTRACTThis research aims to analyze the effect company size to earning management with capital structure as moderating variable in sub sector textile and garment in Bursa Efek Indonesia from 2015 until 2018.. It uses purposive sampling to take sample. T... see more

Pags. 53 - 60  

Sri Ruwanti dan Prima Aprilyani Rambe

This study aims to obtain empirical evidence on the effect of earnings management on Corporate Social Responsibility activities and the impact of earnings management and Corporate Social Responsibility on the financial performance of manufacturing compani... see more

Pags. 61 - 73