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ISSN: 1684-4904    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Number Vol19 Year 2009

34 articles in this issue 

J.C.M.D. Du Plessis

In die afdeling " Leksiko-opname " verskyn twee artikels, spesiaal geskryf vir hierdie nommer, wat veral toepaslik is vir Lexikos in hierdie stadium van sy publikasiegeskiedenis. Die eerste artikel deur Gilles-Maurice de Sc... see more


Gilles-Maurice de Schryver

Dit is 'n groot eer vir my as nuutgekose President van AFRILEX om hierdie woord aan die lesers van Lexikos te rig. Indien daar gekyk word na die volkome toewyding waarmee my drie voorgangers — Rufus Gouws, Danie Prinsloo en Mariëtt... see more


Herman L. Beyer

Opsomming: Die hoofdoel van 'n tweetalige woordeboek kan beskou word as die kommu-nikatiewe bemagtiging van die woordeboekgebruiker deur die voorsiening van semanties-prag-matiese vertaalekwivalente ter wille van kommunikatiewe ekwivalensie. Wanneer 'n ve... see more


Willem Botha

Opsomming: Die Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (voortaan WAT) het vanaf die negende deel wegbeweeg van 'n meer ensiklopediese aanbod van inligting. Hiervoor het die woordeboek heelwat lof van teoretici ontvang. Die mening is egter ook uitgespreek dat d... see more


Gilles-Maurice de Schryver

Abstract: The ideophone, a word class not unique to but highly characteristic of the Bantu languages, presents particular challenges in both monolingual and bilingual lexicography. Not only is this part of speech without a counterpart in most other langua... see more


Jean-Nicolas De Surmont

Résumé: Cet article souhaite analyser le contenu de l'inclusion des 48 nouveaux belgicismes dans le Nouveau Petit Robert 2008 (dorénavant NPR 2008). Il retrace les antécédents de collabora-tions entre différents linguistes et les Éditions Robert pour l'in... see more


Rufus H. Gouws

Opsomming: Na 'n kort bespreking van aanleerderwoordeboeke en vakwoordeboeke word die fokus verskuif na vakwoordeboeke vir aanleerders. Die aanleerders wat hier ter sprake kom, kan aanleerders van 'n taal en/of aanleerders van 'n vakgebied wees. Albei hie... see more


Vida Jesenšek,Herbert Ernst Wiegand

Zusammenfassung: Nach einer kurzen Übersicht über die allgemeinsprachlichen zwei-sprachigen Wörterbücher mit Deutsch und Slowenisch werden folgende Wörterbücher näher untersucht: Plet, DebN, DebS, PonsN und PonsS. Im ersten Teil der Wörterbuchanalyse werd... see more


P.A. Mavoungou

Résumé: Les dictionnaires devraient être le reflet d'une grande variété de découvertes enregistréesdans le domaine de la linguistique. Au Gabon, en ce qui concerne les rapports entre lalexicographie et la linguistique, des études doivent être menées. Cet ... see more


Minah Nabirye

Abstract: In this research article a study is made of the approach followed to compile the first-ever monolingual dictionary for Lusoga. Lusoga is a Bantu language spoken in Uganda by slightly over two mil-lion people. Being an und... see more


Hugues Steve Ndinga-Koumba-Binza,Justus C. Roux

Abstract: Civili is a developing language spoken in Gabon and in a few neighbouring countries. This article focuses on the representation of vowel duration in Civili dictionaries. The representation in these dictionaries is ... see more


Sandro Nielsen

Abstract: Reviewing dictionaries is part of the ongoing work in lexicography, and several lexicographers have discussed the process and guidelines for reviews published in academic journals. However, few have addressed the evaluati... see more


D.J. Prinsloo

Abstract: The aim of this article is to assess the potential use of a mega newspaper corpus, the Media24 archive, in the absence of large balanced and representative corpora, for the compilation of major general dic-tionaries for A... see more


Marcin Overgaard Ptaszynski

Abstract: The aim of this article is to contribute to the development of the modern theory of lexi-cographical functions by offering a critical examination of the following concepts associated with it: primary needs, primary data, ... see more


Kim Hua Tan

Abstract: This article compares the efficacy of the electronic dictionary with that of the print dictionary in helping learners differentiate senses of polysemous words in dictionaries. An adaptation of the mixed methodology propos... see more


Sven Tarp

Abstract: The last decades have seen a growing interest in theoretical and practical problems related to lexicographical user research. Starting with a discussion of the concept of lexicographically relevant user needs, this contri... see more


Michele F. van der Merwe

Opsomming: Die idee van woordeboekonderrig in die laerskool het nog nie baie aandag in die opvoedkunde en leksikografie in Suid-Afrika getrek nie. Tans word uitkomsgebaseerde onder-rig as model in Suid-Afrikaanse skole gebruik en woordeboekonderrig kan ba... see more


Jacques Van Keymeulen

Samenvatting: De professionele dialectlexicografie voor het zuidelijke Nederlands heeft drie grote regionale dialectwoordenboeken voortgebracht: het Woordenboek van de Brabantse Dialecten (WBD), het Woordenboek van de Limburgse Dialecten (WLD) en het Woor... see more


Guy De Pauw,Gilles-Maurice de Schryver,Peter Waiganjo Wagacha

Abstract: In this article we survey four different electronic bilingual dictionaries for the language pair Swahili–English. Aided by a data-driven morphological analyzer and part-of-speech tagger, we quantify the coverage of the di... see more


Leela Pienaar,Vivian de Klerk

Abstract: Within the last twenty years, the use of a corpus for language research has become the sine qua non in many areas of linguistic enquiry. This trend is particularly evident in lexicography, a discipline which has become in... see more


Gilles-Maurice de Schryver

Abstract: At eighteen, Lexikos became a major player in the field of linguistics, by being awarded an Im-pact Factor. This article presents a double analysis of the foundation that led to this success. On the one hand a thorough st... see more


R.R.K. Hartmann

Abstract: Journals and other serial publications are important to the work of lexicographers, so it is necessary to know what is available. On the basis of a list of 40 periodicals of relevance to lexicography, a comparative summar... see more


Juliane Klein

Abstract: During the last 15 years, the lexicographic scene in South Africa changed drastically as many new dictionaries for the African languages were compiled. The different dictionary types and publication modes discussed in thi... see more


W.M. Mojapelo,V.M. Mojela

Abstract: The main purpose of this article is to make a comparative analysis of the structural and the lexical differences between coinage and transliteration, as methods for the acquisition of foreign natural sci-ence and technolo... see more


Thapelo J. Otlogetswe

Abstract: Lexicography is primarily concerned with the representation of words and their senses in dic-tionaries. By words most dictionary users and lexicographers refer to a combination of characters delineated by spaces on both s... see more


Gilles-Maurice de Schryver

Abstract: Intended as a companion volume to The Oxford Guide to Practical Lexicography (Atkins and Run-dell 2008), Fontenelle's book aims to bring together the most relevant papers in practical lexicography. This review article pre... see more


Dion Nkomo

Abstract: This article attempts to give a critical review of Pedro A. Fuertes-Olivera and Ascensión Arri-bas-Baño's Pedagogical Specialised Lexicography. It evaluates the book in view of the available meta-lexicographical literatur... see more


Loránd-Levente Pálfi

Dictionary history or history of lexicography does not belong to one of the most studied metalexicographic disciplines, although the International Society for Historical Lexicography and Lexicology regularly convenes conferences an... see more


Loránd-Levente Pálfi

According to the blurb, The Oxford History of English Lexicography (volumes I–II) presents 'the fullest account yet published of the lexicography of English from its origins in medieval glosses, through its rapid development in the... see more


P.A. Mavoungou

On connaît le vif intérêt de l'Institut des Langues Locales au Kouilou pour la promotion des langues maternelles et des cultures dont elles sont le véhicule irremplaçable. La parution aux Éditions L'Harmattan du Dictionnaire vili–f... see more


Jean-Nicolas De Surmont

Au moment où nous effectuions nos études en lexicographie avec le couple Corbin, Danièle et Pierre à Lille, Jean Pruvost lançait ce qui est devenue la «Journée des dictionnaires de Cergy» et devenait grâce à l'amitié qu'il vouait à... see more


Rufus H. Gouws,Herbert Ernst Wiegand

Opsomming: Hierdie artikel bied 'n kort uiteensetting van die huidige stand van die werk aan die Wörterbuch zur Lexikographie und Wörterbuchforschung. Dit het ten doel om 'n algemene indruk te gee van die struktuur van hierdie meer... see more


Lexikos Lexikos

Publication announcements of dictionaries published in the previous year.