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Volume 29 Number 1 Year 2019

14 articles in this issue 

Kata Pengantar Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian

PRAKATAPembaca yang budiman,Puji syukur kita panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT,  atas berkat dan rahmatNya kamidapat kembali hadir untuk menyajikan artikel-artikel terkini pada Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Volume 29 Nomor 1 Edisi April, Tahun 2019... see more


Daftar Isi JTIP

 Volume 29, Nomor 1, 1-105                                     &n... see more


Fransisca Susanti Wiryawan, Marimin, dan Taufik Djatna

The development of fresh-cut vegetable agroindustry is a complicated case because it does not just involve production process, but it also involves various sustainability aspects. Therefore, it needs a data analysis method, namely Analytical Network Proce... see more


Hesty Heryani JTIP

Bleaching earth is a material absorbing various impurities bounded during the degumming process. Its other function is as CPO colour bleaching material in bleaching process. The study was conducted to determine the efficiency of the production process at ... see more


Azimmatul Ihwah dan Burhan Rafid Ekatama

Product quality control is an effort to minimize defective products from products produced by the company. Without the control of product quality, it will cause a large loss for the company, because irregularities are not known so that repairs cannot be c... see more


Peni Shoffiyati, Melinda Noer, Rahmat Syahni, Asrinaldi

Implementation of supply chain management concepts is needed to meet consumer demand for agricultural products which include overall management of production, distribution and marketing processes that can be measured through the measurement of supply chai... see more


Anting Wulandari, Titi Candra Sunarti, Farah Fahma, Erliza Noor

Anthocyanin is a source of natural dyes that can replace synthetic dyes. Its nature which is susceptible to certain environmental conditions limits its usefulness in food processing, so it is necessary to encapsulate it in a matrix in the form of microenc... see more


Nur Lailatul Rahmah, Sukardi, dan Irwina Nova Dila

Areca catechu contains tannins compounds acting as antioxidants. Extraction process is required to obtain these compounds from areca nut. Pretreatment before extraction using Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) has shown improvement of yield as well as the qualit... see more


Wilson P. Aman, Gino N. Cepeda, Mathelda K. Roreng, Susilowati

Mangrove plant has played important role in Papua, both to support the health of ecosystem and the livelihood of its community. As of now, there is only limited knowledge on the utilization of mangroves in Papua. Several varieties in Papua are known to co... see more


Yanter Wilve Baly Woda, Irman Hermadi, dan Marimin

Sikka District is an area with a dry tropical climate. Most of the plants especially food crops in Sikka District depend on rainfall. The lack of rain coupled with the weather anomalies occurring in Sikka District make Sikka District categorised in the ar... see more


Dhanang Puspita, Windu Merdekawati, dan Nella Suryani Rahangmetan

Caulerpa recemosa is one type of seaweed commonly used as a snack in raw form. High water content causes Caulerpa recemosa susceptible to damage. One effort to utilize Caulerpa recemosa is to process it to instant cream soup. The purpose of this study was... see more


Rachman Jaya, M. Ismail, Yusriana, Iskandar Mirza, Mehran, Asis, Basri A. Bakar

Nutmeg oil from South Aceh is one of the main commodities in Indonesian essential oils trading. Specially, 70-80% Indonesian nutmeg oil trading origin is from South Aceh. On the other hand, a business risk of nutmeg oil is on collectors district, so these... see more


Neng Rian Nur’aeni, Hanies Ambarsari, Rohmatussolihat, Endang Sukara

Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to create regression model for sediment of catfish ponds, sucroses, and biofertilizers on the nitrification process. The sediment of catfish pond used was sediment collected from catfish farm at age of 21 days a... see more


Mersi Kurniati, Akhiruddin Maddu, dan Sidikrubadi Pramudito

From a crop production perspective, plastic mulches can increase yields, extend the growing season, reduce weed pressure, increase fertilizer use efficiency, conserve soil moisture, and increase soil temperature. A major limitation of polyethylene mulch i... see more