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ISSN: 2580-0760    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 2 Number 2 Year 2018

22 articles in this issue 

Alfa Satya Putra, Arnold Aribowo, Hendra Tjahyadi

According to how soccer robot movement is controlled, approaches in soccer robot can be divided into two categories, namely centralized and decentralized. Centralized approach is an example of control over network concept where devices are controlled over... see more

Pags. 444 - 451  

Ahmadi Ahmadi, Sarjon Defit, Jufriadif Na’am

The organization of a political party is one organization that must have an organizational structure. Each cadre who sits in the structure must have skills that match his field. The goal is for the organization to grow better. For each cadre to occupy the... see more

Pags. 452 - 457  

Muhammad Sobri, Mohammad Taha Ijab, Norshita Mat Nayan

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) research and in particular usability aspects for cardiovascular disease (CVD) health monitoring  application  in  the  developing  countries  have  been  an  underresearch pheno... see more

Pags. 458 - 464  

Petrus Dwi Ananto Pamungkas

The rapid development of information systems has made changes almost in all areas of human activity, including the management of college libraries. The presence of reliable software (application) library Senayan Library Management System (SLiMS), it is ve... see more

Pags. 465 - 471  

Erlin Elisa

Data mining is a technique to extract new information from the data warehouse, information is considered very important and valuable because by mastering the information so easily to achieve a goal, this makes everyone competing to obtain information, as ... see more

Pags. 472 - 478  

Evan Rosiska

pelayanan penjualan tiket perjalanan pesawat dan saat ini sudah memiliki lebih dari 200 mitra usaha. Kurangnya informasi mitra usaha yang aktif dalam menjalankan dan mempromosikan bisnis penjualan tiket pesawat membuat PT Bandar Madani 165 kesulitan dalam... see more

Pags. 479 - 485  

Tri Yatmo Noveary, Kevin Ekaputra, Halim Agung

Steganography exists due to the need to hide data in another data. The purpose of this research is to find another alternative in doing steganography via Office Open XML text document files. The research is done by library review, and application building... see more

Pags. 486 - 491  

Imam Solikin

The Information Management Studies Program is a Diploma (D III) education, which is on the Vocational Faculty. In the process of lectures are still many who use the module (paper print module). Situations like this resulted in students less than the maxim... see more

Pags. 492 - 497  

Jansen Kanggeraldo, Rika Perdana Sari, Muhammad Ihsan Zul

Stroke is a disease that associated with bloodstreams to the brain. Usually, stroke is caused by the presence of broken blood vessels or obstructed by a blood clot. According to basic health research data by Health Research and Development ... see more

Pags. 498 - 505  

Darfian Ardiansyah, Wildan Suharso, Gita Indah Marthasari

Social Assistance is an expenditure in the form of money, goods, or services provided by the central or local government to protect the community from possible social risks, improve economic capacity, and the welfare of the community. In the welfare of so... see more

Pags. 506 - 513  

Kanji Prasetiyo, Yudi Priyadi

Currently website entered into five e-commerce website with the highest number of visitors in Indonesia, and no previous research that measures the level of quality of website. Measuring the quality of a website is useful to assess the overall... see more

Pags. 514 - 521  

Ira Puspita Sari, Sukri Sukri

Internet merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dari masyarakat, terutama dikalangan dunia pendidikan dan akademisi seperti Perguruan Tinggi. Tingginya tingkat pengguna internet tidak sebanding dengan fasilitas yang dimiliki suatu instansi, hal ini membuat pengel... see more

Pags. 522 - 529  

Sella Marselena, Ause Labellapansa, Abdul Syukur

Many pets can be played with, socialize and even live together with humans. Numbers of animal clinics have increased to provide care for pets. This study focuses on Dog as pet. Desease and improper treatment of dog will adversely affect the Dog. In dealin... see more

Pags. 530 - 535  

Ahmad Zaky

Quality Assurance for an organization is a must because the organization that guarantees the quality is an organization that always meet the needs and satisfaction of its customers, because satisfied customers will increase to be loyal customers and this ... see more

Pags. 536 - 541  

Kurniati Kurniati

Bina Darma University has implemented a digital library which is located in With this facility, it will be easier for students, faculty, and visitors to obtain information relating to digital documents such as journals, the... see more

Pags. 542 - 553  

Handy Ghasali, Kevin Christianto

The advancement of information technology has led people more easily to connect with each other and provide value added in the form of efficiency and effectiveness that produce something for meeting purposes, record customer complaints, answer customer qu... see more

Pags. 560 - 565  

Doni Winarso, Fitri Nurita, Syahril Syahril

This research aims to build a decision support system (DSS), that is used to recommend a place of Industrial Practice (in Indonesia known as PRAKERIN) for students who will plunge into the world of industrial world (DUDI). The reason why this research is ... see more

Pags. 566 - 571  

Ieannoal Vhallah, Sumijan Sumijan, Julius Santony

Clustering K Mean is used for grouping. The K-Means method seeks to group the existing data into several unique groups, where data in one group have the same characteristics with each other and have different characteristics than the data exists in the ot... see more

Pags. 572 - 577  

Rafi Mahendra, Anggy Trisnadoli, Erwin Setyo Nugroho

Indonesia is a country that has a variety of people's literature one of which is packed in the form of folklore. One of the folklore in Riau Province is Batu Belah Batu Betangkup. Many people who do not know how the story in detail and public interest to ... see more

Pags. 578 - 583  

Yulia Yulia, Nurul Azwanti

Electricity has been proven from the activities carried out by everyday people. The use of electricity ranging from household appliances such as refrigerator, fan, iron, mixer, rice cooker to communication tools such as mobile phones, laptops and various ... see more

Pags. 584 - 590  

Yodi Yodi

Batampos is the largest daily newspaper in riau islands spread from batam island, tanjung pinang, natuna even to singapore and malaysia. Along with the development of information technology and communications batampos also make a web site batampos newspap... see more

Pags. 591 - 596