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Volume 11 Number 2 Year 2020

10 articles in this issue 

Siti Asmiatun, Vensy Vydia, Edi Widodo

In recent years, the progress of the culinary business in the city of Semarang has increased. This is marked by the emergence of a lot of business creativity that follows consumer tastes. This creativity can be seen from the variety of culinary product va... see more

Pags. 71 - 77  

Kevin Widjaja, Raymond Sunardi Oetama

Youtube is the most popular video platform in the world today. Successful YouTubers can create videos that are widely viewed by many Youtube users around the world. A lot of viral videos on Youtube came from the United States. But, making viral videos on ... see more

Pags. 78 - 84  

Muhammad Fikri Hidayattullah, Yustia Hapsari

One of the courses in D IV Informatics Engineering Department is Industrial Practices Work. This course is held to equip students of praxis in the world of software development. Unfortunately, so far the mechanism for implementing Industrial Practices Wor... see more

Pags. 85 - 89  

Sulaeman Santoso, Erico Darmawan Handoyo, Christian Chastro

The Recent Covid Pandemic has brought to realization that more than ever digitalization of manual labor is of the utmost importance. Changes from manual processes to an automated process through software medium however often times resulted in several draw... see more

Pags. 90 - 96  

Tyas Agustini, Abdi Wahab

SMP Negeri 89 is the first formal secondary education institution used for teaching and learning activities. There are many ways to improve students ' performance and discipline in one way by engaging teachers and parents to periodically monitor the activ... see more

Pags. 97 - 106  

Christevan Destitus, Wella Wella, Suryasari Suryasari

This study aims to clarify tweets on twitter using the Support Vector Machine and Information Gain methods. The clarification itself aims to find a hyperplane that separates the negative and positive classes. In the research stage, there is a system proce... see more

Pags. 107 - 111  

Devinta Nurul Fitriana, Niken Ayu Setifani, Yusuf Amrozi

Micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) in Indonesia is increasing every year. The increase in the number of UMKM has a significant impact on the Indonesian economy, so the government lowers the UMKM tax so that UMKM businesses develop rapidly. However... see more

Pags. 112 - 118  

Aulia Tri Rahmawati, Raden Budiarto Hadiprakoso

The current condition experienced by the XYZ Polyclinic is that there is no application built to simplify the service process contained in the polyclinic so that all service processes are still manual. An example is the calculation of the number of drugs ... see more

Pags. 119 - 124  

Vienne Anggelica Kurnia, Aldo Erianda, Dwiny Meidelfi

Decision support system, or DSS, is a system to support decision making process. One commonly used method is TOPSIS. It is a method for decision making on multi-criteria issues, and is one of the simplest and easiest to understand. One of the functions of... see more

Pags. 125 - 129  

Joviano Siahaan, Wella Wella, Ririn Ikana Desanti

This study will examine the cyberbullying phenomenon that was experienced by Indonesian Youtubers in their Instagram comment section. Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating ... see more

Pags. 130 - 134