9 articles in this issue
El presente número de CRE ofrece al lector un contenido muy variado. Por un lado, en la sección dedicada a los problemas lingüísticos actuales se recogen artículos en los que se analizan trayectorias clave de la psicolingüística contemporánea y de la... see more
The report deals with the psycholinguistic direction of axiological linguistics, which mission is to study the value of language and communication. The values are learned through the study of estimation from a linguistic position. The developmen... see more
The meaning of “The Legend…” is based on its metatextual nature. “The Legend” refers first of all to F.Schiller’s drama “Don Karlos” (1787), in which the main character, a Spanish King Philipp II, as Dmitry Chizhevsky put it, as well as Dostoesvky’s ... see more
This article presents a comparative analysis of the concept BOD Y in selected poems of Osip Mandelstam and in the essay “A Roadside Dog” by Nobel Prize winner Czeslaw Milosz. The representation of the body is examined under a condition of decons... see more
The appeal of verbal art to painting elements, display in literature of graphic works can be defined as characteristic of creative process of the beginning of the XIX century. The analysis of means and methods of painting in their literary refra... see more
This article analyses the psychological portrait of the protagonist of the Russian prose of the twenties. Dichotomous nature of the post-revolutionary decade brings the protagonist with split personality. Such a split protagonist is a replica of the contr... see more
Este artículo se centra en las cuestiones relacionadas con la enseñanza de marcadores culturales rusos en las clases de ruso como lengua extranjera a través de la aplicación del mundo de la cinematografía como material didáctico. El autor sostie... see more
El artículo está dedicado a los aspectos teóricos y prácticos de la traducción del léxico culturalmente significativo de las variantes nacionales del español al idioma ruso en el nivel lingüístico (no discursivo). Se plantea la necesidad de desa... see more
The article raises a problem of systematizing culture specific variations of communication through describing communicative ethnostyles (culture specific styles of communication). It gives a definition and description of communicative ethnostyle... see more