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Volume 8 Number 2 Year 2021

9 articles in this issue 

Azwar Iskandar,Ita Hartati

This study aims to analyze the level of satisfaction and importance among trainees towards distance training and identify the strengths and weaknesses of distance training implementation so that the organizers can maximize the satisfaction of the trainees... see more

Pags. 106 - 117  

Nela Sara Gratia Simanjuntak,Indra Lestari Fawzi

Until now, farmers’ welfare has not been given much attention. It can be seen from the fact that a lot of farmers have low income, and a lack of skills and knowledge. One of the ways to improve farmer welfare is to empower farmers, as done by PT. Great Gi... see more

Pags. 118 - 130  

Syahrul Akbar,Evi Noviyanti,Uti Lies Siti Khadijah,Reiza D Deinaputra

The purpose of this study was to identify factual and potential conditions, as well as to analyze community empowerment in the tourism sector in Surodadi Village. This research used the descriptive qualitative research method. Data were collected through ... see more

Pags. 131 - 146  

Muhammad Muhtaj Qadir,Budhi Gunawan,Iskandar Iskandar

This study aims to describe (1) the comprehensive implementation of coral reef rehabilitation activities which have been carried out in Baurung Village, Banggae Timur District, Majene Regency, Sulawesi Barat, and (2) the participation of fisherman groups ... see more

Pags. 147 - 158  

Wiwin Yulianingsih,Soedjarwo Soedjarwo,Rivo Nugroho,Maria Veronica Roesminingsih,Monica Widyaswari

This study aims at describing virtual learning in English courses at LKP Mahesa Institute Kampung English Pare Kediri. This study employs a quantitative research design. The population and sample included 100 people with the ones taking courses at LKP Mah... see more

Pags. 159 - 168  

Triani Wahyuningsih,Ilham Akbar Darmawan,Mustofa Abi Hamid

This research aimed to explore the results of the evaluation of Electrical Installation Training of the Technical Support Unit of Employment Training Center of Pandeglang Regency based on aspects including context, input, process, product, and outcome, so... see more

Pags. 169 - 185  

Albert Efendi Pohan,Pandhit Isbianti

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of blended-based training on improving the teachers competence to act their main roles in preparing appropriate learning administration. The research was conducted in Padang Lawas Regency North Sumatra. To ac... see more

Pags. 186 - 195  

Asep Saepudin,Ade Sadikin,Iip Saripah

This research focused on analyzing the implementation of a service model used in a community learning center (CLC). The results of the study are (1) a conceptual model consisting of rationalization, assumptions, goals, components, indicators, and procedur... see more

Pags. 196 - 202  

Ratna Purwanti,Ahmad Suriansyah,Wahdah Refia Rafianti

The training aims to provide knowledge to parents about instilling independence character while assisting their children in learning from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. The methods used in this training were lectures and discussions. The participants ... see more

Pags. 203 - 211