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Volume 15 Number El relato corto francés del Siglo XIX-2 Year 2007

23 articles in this issue 

María José Alonso Seoane (Autor/a)

By means of a letter of protest sent by Julián Anento and Basilio S. Castilians to El Correo Literario y Mercantil in July, 1831, on the publication of Galería fúnebre by Agustín Pérez Zaragoza, and his reply in the same newspaper, one can appreciate the ... see more

Pags. 5 - 16  

Pilar Andrade Boué (Autor/a)

This work analizes the character of the fool in Charles Nodier’s fantastic tales. The author tries to establish the causes, morphology and posterity of madness in this romantic writer.

Pags. 17 - 28  

Cécile Barraud (Autor/a)

Estética de la forma breve en las revistas literarias del Fin de Siglo. El ejemplo de la Revue Blanche. El Fin de Siglo es un periodo de revisión de las formas literarias, derivado de una crisis de la novela naturalista, a partir de la cual se discuten la... see more

Pags. 29 - 42  

Mª Elena Baynat Monreal (Autor/a)

The originality of Mérimée in Carmen is doubtless: the writer has demonstrated that can be said much with few words. Ace in this work the author has been able to create a complex and diabolic seductive feminine personage, a type that has transferred all t... see more

Pags. 43 - 58  

Noèlle Benhamou (Autor/a)

Louis Mullem (1836-1908) – escritor perteneciente a la constelación realista-naturalista y actualmente olvidado – es el autor de Contes d’Amérique (1890), colección que contiene un relato original y extraño: Feu Harriett. Publicado en La Vie populaire el ... see more

Pags. 59 - 76  

Rosa De Diego (Autor/a)

The homosexual woman, a reflection of a hermaphrodite mythical desire, is, during the end of the century, both a paradoxical and an obsessive literary figure. Sappho is, like the fatal woman, one of the protagonists, at the end of the century, who respond... see more

Pags. 77 - 90  

Francisco Domínguez (Autor/a)

Through the application of Charles Mauron’s psychocritical method, we have searched which elements of Huysmans’ Croquis parisiens were the first formulation of some “obsessif personal myths”, continued in later novels: from En ménage (1881) until the last... see more

Pags. 91 - 106  

Mª Dolores Espinosa Sansano (Autor/a)

Estudiamos en este artículo los procedimientos retóricos empleados por Jules Barbey d’Aurevilly en Le cachet d’onyx. Este escritor emplea profusamente todos los procedimientos que la retórica pones a su alcance: exclamación, interrogación, litote, metáfor... see more

Pags. 107 - 116  

René Godenne (Autor/a)

Este cuarto repertorio trata de los títulos aparecidos entre 1851 y 1898. Así se han descubierto un total de 169 títulos, o sea 140 colecciones, 16 colectivos y 19 textos en edición separada. En un primer momento pasamos revista a las 5 grandes enseñanzas... see more

Pags. 117 - 158  

Mª Vicenta Hernández Álvarez (Autor/a)

In Lettres de mon moulin, Daudet imagines a narrative syntax at the centre of which is a « windmill of words », a real and symbolic geography. The subject of the enunciation is the first person, the traditional narrator and the modern writer who rewrites ... see more

Pags. 159 - 174  

Yvon Houssais (Autor/a)

Dada la concisión esencial de la nouvelle, intentar decir la Historia es una paradoja. A esta paradoja, Gautier le añade una segunda al practicar una escritura de la proliferación y de la charla erudita que están en las antípodas de la estética de la brev... see more

Pags. 175 - 180  

Juan Jiménez Salcedo (Autor/a)

This article analyses a libertin tale, Amours du chevalier de Walbé avec la belle Hortense, published in 1802 in the collection Les Sérails de Paris. The tale belongs to the libertine tradition of narrations about prostitution, which was quite liked at th... see more

Pags. 181 - 192  

Françoise Morcillo (Autor/a)

Cuando se recorre la mayor parte de los trabajos críticos publicados acerca de Vathek de William Beckford, escritor de nacionalidad inglesa –que, no obstante, decidió publicar este cuento en lengua francesa- , quedamos sorprendidos, en tanto que lectores ... see more

Pags. 193 - 204  

Mª Rosario Ozaeta Gálvez (Autor/a)

Sur l’eau, a short story by Maupassant, was meant to be included in a diary with two other travel tales (Au soleil, La vie errante), but the author never finished it. It preserves, however, its autobiographical nature, and it is, as a matter of fact, the ... see more

Pags. 205 - 220  

Concepción Palacios Bernal (Autor/a)

Practically unknown in Spanish-speaking countries today, throughout the nineteenth century Nodier was one of the best known French writers in Spain. What follows is the first Spanish translation of Histoire de Hélène Gillet, prefaced by an introduction th... see more

Pags. 221 - 240  

Pedro Pardo Jiménez (Autor/a)

A painter and art critic, Théophile Gautier createsa preeminently visual aesthetics that, in his literary oeuvre, renders description a truly overwhelming presence. On this basis, the author is forced to resolve the dialectics between the antagonistic for... see more

Pags. 240 - 252  

María Dolores Rajoy Feijoo (Autor/a)

We know that popular newspaper serials is a genre which’s main characteristic is being published by instalments on newspapers or magazines, so its format ought to be long, at least as a conventional novel. This aspect of size cannot be reproduced on the b... see more

Pags. 253 - 264  

Alfonso Saura Sánchez (Autor/a)

In 1907 a new literary journal was launched in the Mediterranean town of Cartagena, which, at the turn of the century, had already become highly dynamic in socio-economic terms. The journal was actually promoted by a group of young literary persons who, f... see more

Pags. 265 - 286  

Isabel Urzaiz Ramírez de Haro (Autor/a)

This article analyses a short story by Pierre Louÿs (1870-1925), Danaë ou le malheur, where the deceits of romantic, idealised love are ironically portrayed. Ultimately, the position of the blind lover, willing to sacrifice present joys in order to wait f... see more

Pags. 287 - 296  

Eric Vauthier (Autor/a)

Aunque injustamente descuidada, la obra de Georges d’Esparbès permite estudiar un aspecto poco conocido de la “nouvelle” francesa de fines del siglo XIX: el relato heroico. En colecciones como La Légende de l’Aigle, La Guerre en dentelles o La Grogne, el ... see more

Pags. 297 - 310  

Carlota Vicens Pujol (Autor/a)

En estas páginas proponemos el estudio del mito de Citerea en Sylvie (1853), de Gérard de Nerval. Espacio concebido para la felicidad y el amor, locus amoenus de la tradición clásica, la isla de Nerval es a un tiempo regreso y huída, búsqueda del pasado e... see more

Pags. 311 - 320  

Antonio José De Vicente-Yagüe Jara (Autor/a)

In 1807, thirty seven years after publishing his licentious tale, Aline, reine de Golconde, which made him famous and represents his chef d’oeuvre, Boufflers published another two tales, La Mode and L’Heureux Accident, in the magazine Mercure de France as... see more

Pags. 321 - 334