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ISSN: 1076-156X    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume ume6 Number Volume 6, Issue 2, 2000 Year 2000

17 articles in this issue 

Walter L. Goldfrank

The last third of the twentieth century was ushered in by a set ofeventswars, rebellions, ?nally economic crisisthat dealt a crushing blow to the previously dominant paradigm in U.S. social science, the structural-functionalist modernizationism elaborated... see more

Pags. 150 - 195  

Albert Bergesen

Wallerstein came of age intellectually at Columbia University, where he was an undergraduate, graduate student and faculty member for a quarter of a century (1947-1971). While we often think of his work on African politics and his concern with third world... see more

Pags. 198 - 213  

Andre Gunder Frank

This essay is my personal and intellectual tribute to Immanuel Wallerstein. It takes the form of my also personal intellectual account of our ?rst independent, then joint, and again increasingly separate journeys through the maze of the world [-] system w... see more

Pags. 216 - 231  

William G. Martin

This essay owes its origins to the provocative title of a recent article by Immanuel Wallerstein: The Rise and Future Demise of World-systems Analysis (1998a). Demise? What might this mean? The title evokes, of course, Wallersteins pathbreaking 1974 essay... see more

Pags. 234 - 263  

Goran Therborn

At two hours in length, Immanuel Wallersteins Presidential Address to the XIVth World Congress of Sociology in Montreal on July 26, 1998, was almost as that of a Secretary Generals Report. Although long, it nonetheless managed to spellbind a most undiscip... see more

Pags. 266 - 284  

Anna Davin

Winnie Gonley (1909-1995), my mother, was an Irish New Zealander who at the age of 28, in 1937, left friends and family for Europe. She stayed there the rest of her life but never changed her New Zealand passport for a British one. She was a feminist who ... see more

Pags. 286 - 306  

Michael Hechter

Recent years have witnessed a virtual epidemic of nationalist violence in the world. In 1994, for example, eighteen of the twenty-three wars being fought were based on nationalist or ethnic challenges to states. About three quarters of the worlds refugees... see more

Pags. 308 - 329  

Ramkrishna Mukherjee

After the British conquered Bengal and eventually the whole of India,they set out to administer the colony. In this context they encountered two phenomena with which they were not familiar: (1) the relation of people to land for production (and not for re... see more

Pags. 332 - 339  

Anibal Quijano

La colonialidad es uno de los elementos constitutivos y especí?cos del patrón mundial de poder capitalista. Se funda en la imposición de una clasi?cación racial/étnica de la población del mundo como piedra angular de dicho patrón de poder y opera en cada ... see more

Pags. 342 - 386  

B. Verhaegen

Loeuvre de Immanuel Wallerstein sest construite depuis quarante ans autour de deux axes principaux: dune part une recherche épistémologi-que et une mise en cause des sciences sociales issues du XIX siècle; Impenser la science sociale publié en 1991 est un... see more

Pags. 388 - 396  

Amiya Kumar Bagchi

Like most human institutionsthe family, the village, the city, the state, customs, laws, the nationthe developmental state was born longbefore anybody thought of naming it. There are debates about when it was born, whether all developmental states (as the... see more

Pags. 398 - 442  

Silviu Brucan

World socialism was a subsystem of the world-system and as such could not run deeper than the system of which it was a part. Had Lenin realized the workings of the world economic system, he would have concluded that Russia had no chance whatsoever to buil... see more

Pags. 444 - 453  

Theotonio dos Santos

Political-economy has been generated during national economies and nation-state constitution; the theoretical effort that served as basis for the rise of economics as a science may be written within the boundaries of the analysis of national economies. Th... see more

Pags. 456 - 477  

Harriet Friedman

The promise, and dangers of genetic technologies have refocused the attention of city dwellers on an enduring reality of the human species: We are eating animals. We are breathing animals, too, forced (as we render them extinct) to notice that we exchange... see more

Pags. 480 - 515  

Henryk Samsonowicz

The concept of Immanuel Wallerstein's refers to the world before the times of European hegemony. It was not a homogeneous economy. Regardless the scale and forms of activity, there existed separate, greater regions that were basically self-suf?cient. Apar... see more

Pags. 518 - 523  

Nicoletta Stame

Households, which are seen as income pooling units (Wallerstein, Martin, Dickinson 1982), play a crucial role in the world-system analysis. Individuals enjoy income that accrues to their households, a unit embedded in a network of different social relatio... see more

Pags. 526 - 541  

Peter J. Taylor

In the work of Immanuel Wallerstein the concepts of modern world-system and capitalist world-economy are used interchangeably; they are alternative names for the historical system we are currently living in. In the substance of his work, however, Wallerst... see more

Pags. 544 - 562