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ISSN: 0213-2958    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 18 Number Terminología Year 2010

33 articles in this issue 

María del Carmen Aguilar Camacho (Autor/a)

This work tries to analyze the influence that historic and legal juncture has over Literature. Such influence becomes evident if we focus ourselves on two different aspects: first, the interest that the legal world has in literature and which is apparent ... see more

Pags. 5 - 17  

Sophie Aubin (Autor/a)

La terminología musical actual de la didáctica del francés como lengua extranjera se limita a una serie de términos que proceden generalmente y directamente de la fonética aplicada. El nivel de integración didáctica de esta terminología, por presentar cie... see more

Pags. 17 - 28  

Tanagua Barceló Martínez (Autor/a)

Synonymy and polysemy are two linguistic phenomena which are present in almost all languages, and which are, depending on the cases, a clear sign of the lexical richness of each language community. Besides, they are linguistic figures linked to concepts s... see more

Pags. 29 - 44  

Ana Barri Almenar (Autor/a)

The process of teaching / learning the terminology of classical dance is difficult. The first, undoubtedly, is the lack of language support, the French language. Secondly, the dance is the art of movement, and as such, learning vocabulary involves the pre... see more

Pags. 45 - 54  

Dominique Bonnet (Autor/a)

La mayor parte de los críticos cinematográficos que pusieron los fundamentos del análisis fílmico ejercieron inicialmente su crítica sobre una base literaria, implantando así la terminología propia de la crítica literaria en el universo cinematográfico. E... see more

Pags. 55 - 59  

Natalia María Campos Martín (Autor/a)

Los diccionarios bilingües no son únicamente unas herramientas sin ningún tipo de función comunicativa, sino más bien al contrario. Una de sus principales funciones es poner en contacto dos mundos diferenciados culturalmente. Si la realidad no existe en l... see more

Pags. 61 - 69  

Nicolás Campos Plaza (Autor/a)

En este artículo, realizamos un estudio lexicográfico y terminográfico de los equivalentes terminológicos de los órganos judiciales y del sistema jurisdiccional francés y español. Términos tales como Poder Judicial, Tribunal Constitucional o Sección de En... see more

Pags. 71 - 84  

Denise Delgado Guante (Autor/a)

We propose in this paper to analyze vocabulary teaching-learning practices and the access to word meanings in Second Language Acquisition. First of all, we will recount the evolution of didactic propositions concerning the methodological practices for voc... see more

Pags. 85 - 101  

Ingrid Cobos López, Aurora Ruiz Mezcua (Autor/a)

The aim of this article is to highlight the importance of using the accurate terminology when working as an interpreter for the public services, especially when dealing with Court or Police station matters. For this reason, its teaching and understanding ... see more

Pags. 103 - 117  

Iván Delgado Pugés (Autor/a)

The translation of specialized texts demands translators to have a thematic knowledge related to many areas. In the case of the translation of legal texts, where the transmission of information is carried out between two different legal systems, a profess... see more

Pags. 119 - 135  

Soledad Díaz Alarcón (Autor/a)

This paper analyses the use of slang in three French reference writers, famous argotiers of the XXth century: Albert Simonin, José Giovanni and Auguste Le Breton. We will first focus on the simbiotic relation between literature and a new way of expression... see more

Pags. 137 - 153  

Rosa de Diego (Autor/a)

Este artículo analiza la situación lingüística en el Canadá francófono. La lengua es un instrumento fundamental de comunicación y de creación cultural. Pero en Quebec, un espacio mayoritariamente anglófono, ha sido un instrumento de lucha y de reivindicac... see more

Pags. 155 - 168  

Danielle Dubroca Galin, Ángela Flores García, Valérie Collin Meunier, Marc Delbarge (Autor/a)

Traducir y vender. Estrategias para la comprensión intercultural es en principio el resultado de una investigación sobre las diferentes etapas de la comercialización de productos regionales fuera de la zona de producción, realizada desde un punto de vista... see more

Pags. 169 - 181  

Mercedes Eurrutia Cavero (Autor/a)

En el presente estudio analizaremos los valores semánticos del término vino, objeto de diferentes controversias a lo largo de la historia. Cada período histórico lo ha conceptualizado a su modo, desde la Edad Media hasta el siglo XXI pasando por el Renaci... see more

Pags. 183 - 202  

Francisca García Luque (Autor/a)

The crisis currently affecting the global economy has reached almost every social area. The word crisis is playing a leading role in our daily lives and is ever-present in almost every newspaper, where it can be found as a component of different expressio... see more

Pags. 203 - 215  

Miguel Ángel García Peinado (Autor/a)

In this article I approach firstly the different ideas the two most outstanding members of the Pléiade, namely Ronsard and Du Bellay, have on poetry, and secondly, I look into the language of some of the most relevant French Renaissance poets of the secon... see more

Pags. 217 - 232  

Juan R. Goberna Falque (Autor/a)

Terminological researches, among lexical analysis, are also an endless topic of study for researchers in every field of humanities and social sciences, be they economists, sociologists, political scientists, anthropologists or historians. When they devote... see more

Pags. 233 - 244  

María del Mar Jiménez-Cervantes Arnao (Autor/a)

Mistral’s work Mirèio is a portrait of rural life in Provence in the 19th century. In this paper we are analysing clothing terminology in the first French and Spanish translations of this work, carried out by Mistral and Barallat y Falguera, with the aim ... see more

Pags. 245 - 261  

María Elena Jiménez Domingo (Autor/a)

Nuestro artículo analiza la terminología de los objetos manufacturados en dos glosarios del siglo XVIII, la Explication de plusieurs termes de botanique & d’agriculture… del botánico y agrónomo francés Duhamel du Monceau (1700-1780) –que abre el segundo v... see more

Pags. 263 - 282  

Isabel Jiménez Gutiérrez (Autor/a)

Contrastive approaches are frequently employed in translators training to teach foreign languages. Systematic comparison of two languages allows to identify students’ specific difficulties.Difficulties in translating medical texts involve syntactic, styli... see more

Pags. 283 - 299  

Juan Jiménez Salcedo (Autor/a)

The article presents French jurislinguistics in Canada, which has created a new terminology for common law in French. It describes how Canadian legislation and case law establishes bilingualism in the judicial system and how scholars have managed to produ... see more

Pags. 301 - 316  

Ángeles Lence Guilabert (Autor/a)

Joaquín López Barbadillo, a spanish writer and journalist who died in 1922, translated into spanish the book by Pidansart de Mairobert which was originally published in 1784. The translator, while remaining quite faithful to the french text, introduces le... see more

Pags. 317 - 332  

Mercedes López Santiago (Autor/a)

El propósito de este artículo es el estudio del campo léxico-semántico de domotique, con el fin de describir el conjunto de términos relacionados formal y semánticamente con esta unidad. Para llevar a cabo este trabajo, hemos reunido un corpus de document... see more

Pags. 333 - 353  

Isabelle Marc Martínez, Nava Maroto García (Autor/a)

This article aims at analysing, collecting and presenting the basic terminology related to dependent care, according to the provisions of the Spanish law 39/2006, of 14 December about promotion of personal autonomy and care for people in a situation of de... see more

Pags. 355 - 374  

María Josefa Marcos García (Autor/a)

The culinary terminology does not constitute a language reserved for the specialists. The cooking is an activity practised in a daily way in all the homes and this type of vocabulary is a member, often, of the common language. It is for it that we want to... see more

Pags. 375 - 392  

Ana Belén Martínez López (Autor/a)

In this article we try to emphasize the difficulties that characterize the translation of medical terminology, from French into Spanish, in a context where English is considered as the lingua franca within the Francophone and Hispanophone Scientific Commu... see more

Pags. 393 - 404  

Françoise Olmo Cazevieille (Autor/a)

En este artículo, presentamos a partir de un corpus de unidades léxicas (UL) especializadas francesas procedente de una tesis sobre la descripción de la lengua de la zootecnia, la clase gramatical de las unidades léxicas unidas por un guión. Tras haber de... see more

Pags. 405 - 418  

Emilio Ortega Arjonilla (Autor/a)

In this article we try to review the different strategies that can be applied to translate terminological and phraseological units and/or culturèmes containing ideological aspects that have to be present, in a certaint way, in the target text of the trans... see more

Pags. 419 - 437  

Fernande Elisabeth Ruiz Quemoun (Autor/a)

En este artículo veremos como algunos términos polisémicos de la investigación biomédica tomados como unidades léxicas designan cada uno de ellos una entidad que ha sido normalizada por sus usuarios. Trataremos de identificar el nuevo sentido de algunas p... see more

Pags. 439 - 460  

Lucía Clara Serrano Lucas (Autor/a)

Terminology is closely linked to specialised translation, since there is no specialised discourse without the use of terms. Thus, the translator, as a linguistic mediator, has to implement strategies to recognise the terms and translate them appropriately... see more

Pags. 461 - 475  

Manuel Sevilla Muñoz, Elena Macías Otón (Autor/a)

In this article, we present a method to analyse and understand specialised texts through the developing of semantic trees from the terminology of the studied text. This terminology is organised into semantic fields according to criteria of semantic nature... see more

Pags. 477 - 493  

Entiqueta Tijeras López (Autor/a)

The scientific-technical language occupies a very large plot within the field of translation studies. However, the problem of translation of agricultural terms, specifically within the French-Spanish language pair, is a subject still little addressed by b... see more

Pags. 495 - 515  

Katrin Vanhecke (Autor/a)

This article illustrates the use of terminology in the professional practice of interpreting and explains some pedagogical applications of terminological preparation within the framework of the European Space for Higher Education. To begin with, the paper... see more

Pags. 517 - 537