27 articles in this issue
Rafael Guzmán Tirado
El presente número de CRE está dedicado a diversos problemas actuales lingüísticos, lingüístico-culturales y literarios de la rusística actual. Aparecen por primera vez dos nuevas secciones: Didáctica y Teoría y Práctica de Traducción, ampliándose así e... see more
Zhanna G. Amirova
La rusística moderna considera el texto como un fenómeno complejo con aspectos variados. Las propiedades y los indicios del texto aún no tienen una interpretacion detallada. El artículo está dedicado a las cuestiones relacionadas con la precisión de algun... see more
Irina A. Barinova
There are a number of situations in real life when communication is performed with the help of texts without any explicit coherence means. They are called “primitive” texts which can be transformed into “normal” texts having explicit coherence means and u... see more
Irina V. Gendler
Este artículo está dedicado al estudio del romance ruso en la cultura moderna como encarnación del habla ideal. El ideal de retórica en todas las culturas se forma a lo largo de mucho tiempo en el contexto de diversos géneros y estilos. El ideal de retóri... see more
Andrei V. Petrov
The grammar of impersonality is based on the invariant impersonal categorical grammatical meaning subjectless, which is realized in specialized morphological forms and specialized syntactic structures.
Elena A. Kargovskaya
El objetivo del presente artículo es la comparación de los sistemas verbales ruso y español desde el punto de vista aspectual. Las observaciones y las conclusiones de la autora se basan en su experiencia profesional de la enseñanza de español y el ruso co... see more
Kerim R. Kerimov
The assignments of russian verbs on aspectual-symantical classes of predicates` types based upon opposition “statics ~ dynamics”. But in the basis of symantics of spacies opposition the relations of action to limite. The opposition “statics ~ dynamics” ge... see more
Natalia A. Veselaya
The analysis of syntactical nature of infinitive from the point of functional equivalency activity in the language has been done in the article. The aim of the research is to clear out some appropriateness of basic and derived infinitive functions correla... see more
Olga A. Shevchenko
En el artículo se trata de un uso activo de los préstamos del latín en los medios de comunicación de masas contemporáneos de Rusia y de España. El empleo de los latinismos le permite al autor reforzar la expresividad de su texto, crear imágenes metafórica... see more
Marina Ch. Kremshokalova
The article discusses some of the specific cultural connotations, reflected in proverbs and sayings of the Russian and Caucasian languages. The author believes that the connotation is a marker of national worldview and reflects the cultural code of his va... see more
?aria M. Voznesenskaya
The paper considers polysemy in Russian Phraseology, a phenomenon that has not been studied sufficiently. It focuses on the analyses of the linguistic criterias which help to differentiate the meanings of Russian polysemantic idioms. Three big groups of t... see more
Bozena Deren
The article discusses the new publications on lexicography used during the teaching process to shape communicative and cultural competence. The process of learning a foreign language favours learning the third language and its culture. The article focuses... see more
Igor I. Protsenko
In the article structure of lexical-semantic group “child” in the Spanish and Ukrainian languages in the comparative aspect is analyzed. Notions of dominant, local and general peripheries, similarities and differences in the analyzed languages are defined... see more
Olga N. Zaikina
The article is devoted to semantic classification of metaphors and comparisons in semantic field “Light” in Russian language. The collations can be based on comparison of sources of light themselves and their light. In artistic style the sources of light ... see more
Elena V. Sinitsyna
The article is devoted to the popular theories about the origin of prefixes in Indo-European and particularly Slavonic languages. The conceptions presented by authoritative scientists are analysed, the author’s point of view according to the question abou... see more
Elena A. Muhina
The article is devoted to the problem of lexicographical study of the text as a work of art as an example “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by V. I. Dal. The author of the study refers to the category of artistic interpretation, analyzing t... see more
Liudmila E. Kruglikova
In article the new multivolume Academy dictionary which was published in Russia is exposed to the analysis from a position of one of founders. The features pulling together this dictionary with predecessors and distinguishing it from them are considered. ... see more
Guillermo Aguirre Martínez
El presente artículo se adentra en la obra de la poetisa rusa Marina Tsvietáieva con el propósito de establecer una relación entre la propia autora y el mito de Aracne. Este acercamiento ofrecerá la posibilidad de entender el mito desde la actitud estétic... see more
Elena Y. Raskina
The Images-symbols of European Renaissance (mostly of his early period - quatrochento) occupy an important place in creation of prominent poet of the Russian «silver century» N. Gumilev. They are presented both in a poetry and prose and in correspondence ... see more
Elena A. Andriukova
En el presente artículo sobre la base de teoría del hipertexto (“Texto de Moscú”; “Texto de San- Petersburgo” como fenómenos culturales, metafísicos y literarios) se analiza la antítesis metafísica de la Ciudad/Provincia en la obra literaria de Iván Shmel... see more
Vadim A. Smirnov
The paper is devoted to the female archetypes that are immediately connected with the basic concepts of the Silver Age. The semantics of turning, which was historically significant for a boundary of the XIX-XX-th centuries and played a key role in the her... see more
Serik Sh. Takhan
The article looks into A. Platonov’s diary entries and essays as they are reflected in the ideological and artistic structure of his novel “Jan”, as well as the extent to which the concepts outlined in the diaries influence the plot. With sufficient evide... see more
Elena A. Podshivalova
The article considers the novel “Pushkin” as a story of a Poet’s formation through the language structure bat not as a personal biography of an artist. Peculiarity of the hero determines the narrative structure and has certain life-giving features. Yu.Tyn... see more
Gulbagira T. Karaulova
In the article, relying on the work “Conversations” by L. Lipavsky, we identified the interests of Daniil Kharms, which became the motives of his works. We considered such motives as “the dream”, “the clock”, “the death,” “the miracle,” “the water”, “the ... see more
Galina A. Khimich,Anna A. Basmanova,Elena A. Kargovskaya
En el artículo se hace una reflexión sobre la metodología de la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera, se describe el método consciente-práctico propio de la tradicional escuela lingüística rusa y se ofrecen unas propuestas didácticas de trabajo en... see more
Marina V. Kutieva
In the article we examine birds’ nominations - crow, cuckoo, stork, rook - as symbols of the specific cultural concepts, not duplicated up by other languages, considering their metaphorical values.
Leila Y. Mirzoeva
The article is devoted to the problem, which is insufficiently explored both in linguistics and theory of translation: the potential of translator’s comment as a way of explication of evaluative meaning due to peculiarities of literary translation from En... see more