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ISSN: 0216-9142    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 17 Number 2 Year 2022

10 articles in this issue 

Thoriq Aziz Jayana,Abd Mukhid,Syafi'e Syafi'e,Sahrawi Sahrawi,Muhammad Nur Faiz

building a clean and healthy living culture should be an inseparable part of the pesantren. But in reality, the spread of skin diseases among students and the neglect of students in maintaining cleanliness have become a separate phenomenon. To solve these... see more

Pags. 196 - 214  

A. Muttiara Wijayanto AK,Sitti Mania,M. Rusdi T

The study of Islamic classical books is crucial in the process of religious understanding. Gontor is one of the pesantren that still maintains the study of Islamic classical books with different methods. This study aims to explain the implementation syste... see more

Pags. 215 - 231  

Cecep Sobar Rochmat,Rosendah Dwi Maulaya,Annisa Avilya

One of the extrinsic causes of moral decadence in adolescents is the failure of teachers to teach akidah Akhlaq material. Where the lessons of Akidah Akhlaq fail to be lived and practiced in daily life by students. The learning model is a contributing fac... see more

Pags. 232 - 253  

Fadhlurrahman Fadhlurrahman,Tri Yaumil Falikah,Zalik Nuryana,Reza Amin Nur Ihsan,Asih Kartika Putri,Roihanah Roihanah

The development and refinement of the concept of character education between characters continue to interact and reinforce each other. This study aims to describe the idea of character education between Khalid Bin Hamid Al-Hazami and Hasyim Ali Al-Ahdal. ... see more

Pags. 254 - 268  

Aries Fachriza,Kristi Nuraini,Muhammad Haikal,Tsalsa Nakita Aina Parahida

The assessment was becoming part of teaching activities to measure the learning target. It requires several assessment aspects to gain the language learning achievements of the learners. This article intended to examine the strength of the Information Tra... see more

Pags. 269 - 283  

Firman Mansir

This article discusses an overview of problems and their solutions in learning Islamic religious education in schools in the digital era. This era has directly or indirectly ushered in many changes in the life of Islamic Religious Education. Especially re... see more

Pags. 284 - 291  

Rio Estetika,Imron Rosyadi,Muh. Nur Rochim Maksum

The problem of performance management in Islamic educational institutions is still often carried out for only periodic formal assessments for promotion/position. The fantastic number of Muhammadiyah educational institutions, in fact, does not necessarily ... see more

Pags. 292 - 303  

Milhatunnisa Marits

Education is the key to human life and a major factor in the development of a nation. Education is how to humanize the human race. Education lasts a lifetime and can be done anywhere. There are three primary components of education: input, process and out... see more

Pags. 304 - 314  

Moch. Nurhasan Ubaidillah,Nuril Mufidah

The purpose of this research is to find out the control management strategy in creating an Arabic-language environment, the implications of the Arabic-language environmental control management strategy and the solutions to problems inhibiting the creation... see more

Pags. 315 - 326  

Muhammad Ihsan Dacholfany,Sunardi Sunardi,Ulwan Maghfur

The research population of 140 teachers using the Slovin formula , obtained a large sample of 58 teachers, while the steps for determining the sample were chosen randomly. Data collection in this study used a closed-type questionnaire instrument, namely b... see more

Pags. 327 - 337