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Volume 2 Number 11 Year 2092

15 articles in this issue 

Baiba Briede

The relevance of the theoretical study was to show the components of self-directed studies and internal and external factors having an impact on them as well as competences as the main learning outcomes. The relevance of the empirical study was to find ou... see more


Inga Berzina

During the evolution of jazz music, vocalists in increasing frequency were trying to imitate instrumental playing in their improvisations that demonstrably was reflected in specific syllable combinations in a vocal improvisation manner of scat singing. Th... see more


Romante Buciene, Erstida Ulvidiene, Sigita Valentukeviciene

Kurybiškumas, iniciatyvumas ir verslumas padeda jauniems žmonems ugdytis pajeguma kurybiškai mastyti ir diegti naujoves, imtis iniciatyvos, buti lankstiems ir savarankiškiems bei vadovauti projektams ir siekti rezultatu, greiciau prisitaikyti prie kintanc... see more


Rita Liepuoniene, Žymante Jankauskiene

Šio straipsnio tikslas – pristatyti Vilniaus kolegijos studentu pasitraukimo iš studiju situacijos analize, susiejant ši procesa su Europos aukštajame moksle stebimomis tendencijomis. Studentu „išsaugojimas“ yra vienas pagrindiniu aukštojo mokslo sistemos... see more


Irena Lacka

The article discusses the problem of low employee creativity in Polish enterprises. This contributes to low innovativeness of these companies, especially the SMEs. This problem poses a challenge to the education system and also to the management of organi... see more


Anželika Slimanaviciene

Straipsnyje analizuojami istojusiuju i Vilniaus kolegija 2013-2015 metais studiju pasirinkimo kriterijai. Atlikus apklausa raštu ir išanalizavus tyrimo duomenis nustatyta, kad daugumos istojusiuju studiju Vilniaus kolegijoje pasirinkima leme nemokamu stud... see more


Jolanta Preidiene

The aim of article is to overview existing research made in the field of international staff mobility and its impacts on institution’s internationalisation process. Internationalization of higher education is an integral part of higher education instituti... see more


Vilma Gegužiene, Simona Casaite-Šatkauskiene, Kristina Samašonok

Didejancio tarptautinio bendradarbiavimo ir mobilumo kontekste aukštojo mokslo siekimas tampa butina kiekvieno asmens kvalifikacijos igyjimo bei išsaugojimo salyga ir yra suvokiama kaip priemone, padedanti plesti žinias, tobulinti gebejimus ir ugdyti savo... see more


Marja Sirkkola

A multisensory environment (MSE) is known as a place where individual’s senses and body awareness are activated or relaxed in various gentle ways through all senses using music and sounds, colors and lights, vibration and movement, tactile objects, smells... see more


Teresa Szot - Gabrys Szot - Gabrys

The paper analyses selected aspects of academic entrepreneurship in Poland. The concept of academic entrepreneurship is associated with the new model of university, in which, apart from the mission of scientific research and didactics, the need for active... see more


Daiva Trezneviciute

Šiuolaikiniu studiju aukštojoje mokykloje pagrindas – studijuojanciojo igytos kompetencijos, pasiekiamos per studiju programos rezultatus ir dalyko studiju rezultatus. Kiekvienas studijuojamas dalykas turi prisideti prie kompetentingo specialisto, turinci... see more


Mantas Valužis

The investment in R&D activities as the development and implementing of technology – based innovations in economy is still very moderate in Lithuania. In addition, the growth of investments in R&D in private sector is still moderate excluding some partial... see more


Ieva Zemite

A cultural entrepreneur in the twenty-first century will redefine entrepreneurship. A business entrepreneur typically measures performance in profit and return, whereas a cultural entrepreneur assesses success in terms of the impact it has on society as w... see more


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