11 articles in this issue
Eldiene Zaura I'tamada,Mahsuri Eko Winarno,Imam Hariadi
Gross motor development in children aged 4-5 years is an important aspect to support children's growth and development, in the learning phase after the pandemic, and curriculum changes require an evaluation process of gross motor skills using a gross moto... see more
Chikola Haneta,Mustika Fitri,Septian Williyanto
The study aims to find out the impact of social support on the motivation of an athlete student to perform in academic or sporting fields. The author hopes to implement social support for athlete students, especially those close to them, to increase their... see more
Luthfi Ahmad Nurhaqqi,Mustika Fitri,Ahmad Hamidi
Researchers have found that the maladaptive experience of exercise called burnout is a determining factor in athletes' athletic development and performance. To reduce or mitigate the burnout phenomenon, research examines the relationship between social su... see more
Jasmine Rizki Putri Hartanto,Mustika Fitri,Septian Williyanto
This research is motivated by the large number of pencak silat athletes who pay less attention to the quality of their sleep after competing. As a result of these issues, the aim of this study is to find out how the quality of sleep and sleep habits of at... see more
Tiara Sekar Nabilah,Imam Hariadi,Prisca Widiawati
This study aims to determine the success and percentage of hits, scoop and reserve hits in the Hockey Outdoor Men's Asian Games Qualifer 2022 competition. The design of this study is a descriptive quantitative method using video analysis. The research sub... see more
Ni Putu Shinta Ayu Devi,Kurniati Rahayuni,Prisca Widiawati
This study aims to determine the relationship between body mass index (BMI), physical activity, and dietary habits of students at SMPN 1 Karangploso. This study used several analyses’ such as the Shapiro-Wilk normality test, linearity test, multicollinear... see more
Fitria Putri Imaniar,Mustika Fitri,Septian Williyanto
This study aims to determine the impact of anxiety on the performance of athletes with mild taekwondo disabilities. This type of research is quantitative with a predictive correlation design. The participants in this research were athletes with disabiliti... see more
Achmad Wildan,Supriatna Supriatna,Prisca Widiawati
This study aims to determine the effect of ball catching reaction speed training on goalkeepers at MI Attaraqqie Malang City students. In this study, 16 meetings were carried out for 6 weeks, and 2 meetings were made forpretest and posttest. The method us... see more
Syahrul Maulana Ikhsan,Prisca Widiawati,Kurniati Rahayuni
This research aims to develop a training model for speed, agility, and quickness in the sport of soccer for children in the learning to train age group using the Articulate Storyline learning media. The subjects of this research are 15 students aged 9-12 ... see more
Yohana Cindi Florensa,Imam Hariadi,Moch. Yunus,Yulingga Nanda Hanief
This study aims to determine: (1) physical condition of arm muscle strength, (2) speed, (3) agility, (4) leg muscle power, (5) endurance, (6) physical condition of women's basketball players Perbaspa Perbaspa Foundation Kediri Regency based on player posi... see more
Preeyapat Boonhan
Pencak Silat, a traditional martial art from Southeast Asia, has gained recent popularity, prompting interest in performance enhancement methods. Therefore, The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of carbohydrate-protein supplementation on blo... see more