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ISSN: 2541-4224    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 9 Year 2024

25 articles in this issue 

Samuel Pardamean Manik,Vishnu Juwono

This research aims to analyze the Ministry of Finance's digital transformation implementation strategy and the factors that influence its success. This research method is qualitative with secondary data analysis consisting of report documents, working pap... see more

Pags. 1 - 16  

Febi Dwi Putri,Endang Purwaningsih,Nuril Munfaridah

STEM plays a very important role in the progress of a country. The choice of interest in work in the STEM field is influenced by STEM identity. The importance of STEM identity needs to be known for educational institutions to increase student interest in ... see more

Pags. 17 - 26  

Putri Utami Asrianti,Udin Supriadi,Saepul Anwar

Islamic Religious Education and Ethics textbooks, hereafter written as PAI and BP, are vital elements in instilling character values, including tolerance in schools. However, cases of intolerance still occur frequently in Indonesia and this is often assoc... see more

Pags. 27 - 37  

I Nyoman Siryayasa,Sudarmi Sudarmi,Masri Ridwan,Muhammad Arfin Muhammad Salim,Firda Rahmayanti

Research was carried out to understand the role of social media and Influencers on tourist interest in visiting Enrekang Regency. This research approach is quantitative-descriptive based on the philosophy of positivism. Data collection used research instr... see more

Pags. 38 - 50  

Wyls Ratna Puspita,Slamet Muchsin,Sunariyanto Sunariyanto

The progress of the current era has made digital development more advanced. All activities are easier to do in the digital world, especially in the shopping sector. Shopping can be done only with a smartphone, which can lead to consumer behavior in indivi... see more

Pags. 51 - 58  

Lailatul Mir'ah,M. Mas’ud Said,Ali Masykur Musa

Empowering people with disabilities is very important because they often experience discrimination and find it difficult to gain access to public services, education, health and employment. This results in limitations in developing their potential. This r... see more

Pags. 59 - 66  

Muhammad Idris Effendi,Yoto Yoto

This research aims to explore and describe the application of Project Based Learning which is integrated with the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) approach in improving the high-level thinking abilities of Automotive Engineering Educat... see more

Pags. 67 - 73  

Mohammad Zainuddin,Surayanah Surayanah,Lestariningsih Lestariningsih

The aim of the research that has been carried out is to produce a process skills book that is valid according to experts. This process skills book contains the theme of my region and its natural beauty. It is hoped that this book can be used by teachers i... see more

Pags. 74 - 81  

Hariandy Hasbi,Upik Djaniar,PA Andiena Nindya Putri,Irdawati Irdawati,Samuel PD Anantadjaya

This research examines the effectiveness of Net Interest Margin (NIM) and Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) on banking profitability. The study employs a quantitative approach using financial data from a sample of banks over a specific period. Through regressio... see more

Pags. 82 - 89  

Anni Rohimah,Rahmat Saputra,Siti Fatimatul Zuhro,Sena Atmaja

The classroom is a room that functions as a place for theoretical, practical learning activities that do not require special equipment and practice with special tools that are easy to provide. One practice with special tools that is easy to provide is lea... see more

Pags. 90 - 95  

Hera Nurtandina Lasmini,Maraimbang Daulay,Yusra Dewi Siregar

The main focus of this research problem is the process of discovering a kingdom that once existed in Kampung Raja by analyzing and reconstructing the remains of that kingdom. This kingdom is called the Kampung Raja Kingdom which is located in Tanjung Meda... see more

Pags. 96 - 104  

Fairoh Aida Qothrun Nada,Yaqub Cikusin,Sunariyanto Sunariyanto

The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the implementation of government policy in fulfilling the educational rights of persons with disabilities in Dau District and explain the factors that influence the implementation of government policy i... see more

Pags. 105 - 116  

Alfianta Dwi Harnadi,Yaqub Cikusin,Rulam Ahmadi

PT Selecta is a PT (Limited Liability Company) based company with a unique work culture. The aim of this research is to find out how it is implemented, what roles the actors play, and what the public's perception is. This examination uses a subjective met... see more

Pags. 117 - 125  

Muhammad Mughni Labib

Public services are the main indicator of government performance. A step to overcome the weaknesses of public services is the development of digital-based public services. In order to build a strong East Java government structure, the public service innov... see more

Pags. 126 - 132  

Delsi Fadilah Anjelia,Muhammad Iqbal Ramdhani

Songs can be used to express ideas or emotions, or even as a way for people to communicate with one another. One area of linguistics, morphology, deals with how language structure might be used to analyze meanings or feelings in song lyrics. In this study... see more

Pags. 133 - 142  

Rahmat Saputra,Fitria Budi Utami,Delina Kasih

This study aims to analyze the post-pandemic learning process using the Discovery Learning method. The population of this study was all class A students of the Industrial Engineering study program in the fourth semester of Muhammadyah University A.R. Fach... see more

Pags. 143 - 148  

Harfin Lanya,Fetty Nuritasari,Moh Zayyadi,Andi Saputra,Novita Dianatus Zahroh

This study aims to develop a 3C-based Osborn learning model to improve critical thinking skills, creativity, and character in students in a boarding school environment. The method used in this research is development research using the stages; 1) problem ... see more

Pags. 149 - 157  

Hanif Aulia Kusuma,Yoto Yoto

In 2018, the technology, business and ICT (information and communication technology) sectors were the sectors that received the most new students at the vocational school level. Jobs in the ICT sector are one of the sectors that are really needed in Indon... see more

Pags. 158 - 172  

Muhammad Sulistiono,Rosichin Mansur

Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri I Malang shows a multicultural level in educational values. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to find out the pattern of teacher multicultural learning competencies in managing diversity from various backgrounds among t... see more

Pags. 173 - 183  

Ahmad Saifudin,Widiarini Widiarini,Nafisatuzzahro' Nafisatuzzahro',Utari Utari,Fida Ayu Musilawati

In reality the profile of the Pancasila youth is still not maximally achieved. Based on data from the Indonesian Child Protection Commission, in 2020 the number of children victims of violence in schools (bullying) increased to 76 students from 46 student... see more

Pags. 184 - 192  

Lal Bin Haniff,Dwi Fita Heriyawati

This research aims to investigate the improvement reading comprehension of SMK PGRI 2 Mojokerto by using Bottom-Up approach in reading comprehension of recount text. The research was conducted in two Cycles of Classroom Action Research (CAR) where each Cy... see more

Pags. 193 - 204  

Alfin Reza Syahputra

This research examines various strategic intelligence research over the last 10 years. This research adopts a qualitative method based on the results of a bibliometric analysis review of various literature. The literature is obtained from Google Scholar w... see more

Pags. 205 - 213  

Kisna Pertiwi,Andry Agustian,Jonathan Silitonga,Hendra Sinaga,Franky Siahaan,Hotlas Silverius S,Claudio Ghustav D.,Sabar Sabar,Joni Joni

The self-balancing robot is unstable and will fall without external control so an excellent control method is needed so that the robot can automatically maintain a balanced position. This research aims to design and control a two-wheeled self-balancing ro... see more

Pags. 214 - 222  

Joko Sutrisno,Rachmat Mudiyono,Soedarsono Soedarsono

Pada tahun 2021, Bakauheni Harbour City (BHC) ditetapkan sebagai Proyek Strategis Nasional, kondisi kawasan berupa pemukiman jarang, ruang hijau, area wisata Siger, dan terjadi kemacetan pada hari puncak. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui pengaruh pembangu... see more

Pags. 223 - 235  

Iip Muhlisin,Sudiman Sudiman

This research aims to investigate the impact of load variations in the range of 140 Kgf to 240 Kgf on the strength factor of bicycle frames made of metal material, namely AISI 1035 Steel (SS), through Solidworks simulations. The parameters used in the sim... see more

Pags. 236 - 252