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Volume 11 Number 3 Year 2021

5 articles in this issue 

Stella Chinnaya Nduka,Adetoun Elizabeth Adekanye,Titilayo Adedokun

This study was carried out to examine the awareness and use of social media tools by Library and Information Professionals (LIPs) in selected academic libraries in South-west, Nigeria and the challenges they face in the use of social media technologies. D... see more


Dhawan Surinder M.,Brij Mohan Gupta,GHOUSE MODIN NABEESAB MAMDAPUR

The study provides a quantitative and qualitative description of global research in the domain of quantum machine learning (QML) as a way to understand the status of global research in the subject at the global, national, institutional, and individual aut... see more


Sinyoung Kim,Hee-Yoon Yoon

Half a century has passed since the academic field of library and information science, which was born at the end of the 19th Century in the Western world, was introduced to Korea. Despite years of quantitative growth and qualitative maturation, the field ... see more


Suntae Kim

The KJC and KCI services operated by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) need to refer to the global citation index database to set the service direction that researchers want and develop new functions. Therefore, in this study, the usability ... see more


younghee Noh,Dongho Wang

In this study, users’ perceptions and concerns about digital information resources were investigated, focusing on impediments to the use of digital resources, in order to devise measures for improvement by identifying factors that hinder the use of digita... see more