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ISSN: 2087-4987    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 6 Number 2 Year 2016

5 articles in this issue 

(1) Ifit Novita Sari (Kanjuruhan University of Malang, Indonesia)

Abstract.setting the whole student STIENU trate Gresik as the study population. Distributing questionnaires planned and carried out in August 2015. As a sample, so much as the entire population sampled, collected as many as 66 questionnaires were then con... see more


(2) Nur Syamsudin (Walisongo State Islamic University, Indonesia)

Abstract.quantitative correlation study took 18teachersampling junior high schoolThoriqotunNajahSingosariMalang.The data collection technique using a questionnaire that has been tested the validity and reliability test. Data analysis technique used isAnal... see more


(3) Muchtar Muchtar (University DarulUlulm)

Abstract.This  aims to determine the factors that affect the performance of employees of the University PGRI RonggolaweTuban. These factors are motivation and work environment. Employees who have a high motivation to work will have a positive impact ... see more


(4) Agus Sukoco (Narotama University, Indonesia)

Abstract.This study aims to determine how much influence the marketing mix to the acquisition decision a student at the College of Christian Religion AnakBangsa. The research model used in this research that using a questionnaire (questionnaire), the samp... see more


(5) Sarwani Sarwani (University of Dr. Soetomo Surabaya, Indonesia)

Abstract.Of the many factors that influence employee performance, this research focuses on work discipline and working environment. Lack of discipline and inadequate working environment in the company, can have an impact on the implementation of the work ... see more