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ISSN: 1907-7513    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 10 Number 1 Year 2015

8 articles in this issue 

Cahyo Tri Atmojo, Fahimul Amri

AbstractUKM are an important part of the economy of a country or region. In the face of competition and challenges businesses increasingly stringent in the days of today's modern era, every UKM is required to be able to carry out the restructuring and reo... see more


Ratna Dwi Jayanti

AbstractIn digital era now, the use of internet in the business has entered all lines of business included in the marketing of goods or services. Online sales or which is known as E-commerce, also used by Maulina Hijab Jombang. This research aims to analy... see more


Yulia Effrisanti

AbstractThis research is class action research with project based learning method. The aim of this research is to know the project based learning through apprentice project can be used to rise up soft skills of student for accounting. This research is sta... see more


Amin Kuncoro, Husnurrosyidah

AbstractThe problems that arise from communication dilini organizations is how to take advantage of a good communication tool, resulting in a reciprocal relationship with the speaker through communication tools such short massage service or short message.... see more


Lina Nashihatun Nafidah

AbstractAsean Economic Community (AEC) will soon be opened, ASEAN countries have signed the treaty. This is a golden opportunity for every country that has prepared well, but also will be pain for countries that do not or less to prepare for such cooperat... see more


Shanti Nugroho Sulistyowati

AbstractEducation takes the significant role in developing Indonesia to compete in global village era. Education processes has prior position in developing human resource, as well. The effort in accomplishing thegood quality of the students graduation whi... see more


Nur fadillah

AbstractEntrepreneurship spirit  of Prophet Muhammad, does not just happen, but the result of a long process and started from his childhood (Antonio 2008). This opinions is agreed by most teachers leadership that said what occurred in the first years... see more


Dwi Wahyuni

AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar efisiensi penggunaan modal kerja melalui analisis likuiditas, aktivitas, dan rentabilitas pada UD. Arifa Souvenir. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan de... see more