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ISSN: 2087-4235    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 2 Number 2 Year 2011

10 articles in this issue 

Gondo Puspito

Tiga puluh perangkap plastik dioperasikan untuk menangkap rajungan di perairan Palabuhanratu. Operasi penangkapan dilakukan sebanyak 16 kali pada kedalaman perairan ± 20 m dengan jenis substrat dasar berupa pasir berlumpur. Bentuk perangkap terdiri atas k... see more

Pags. 111 - 119  

Irfan Yulianto,Budy Wiryawan,Am Azbas Taurusman

Dengan adanya Undang-undang nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, Pemerintah daerah dalam hal ini pemerintah kabupaten atau pemerintah kota memiliki peranan penting dalam pengelolaan perikanan karang. Disisi lain kapasitas sebagian pemerintah k... see more

Pags. 121 - 127  

A. R. Sam,S. H. Wisudo,B. Murdiyanto,B. H. Iskandar

Indonesia has signed Port State Agreement that initiated by Food Agriculture Organization (FAO), therefore some specified fishing ports including PPSNZJ should serve international ship well and safely. PPSNZJ, the biggest of fish market center, needs to p... see more

Pags. 129 - 139  

N. Zulbainarni,M. Tambunan,Y. Syaukat,A. Fahrudin

Bali Strait has potential abundance of pelagic fishery resources such as Indonesian oil sardine (lemuru), frigate mackerel (tongkol), scad mackerel (layang), short-bodied mackerel (kembung) and others which can be caught mostly using purse seine. Fishery ... see more

Pags. 141 - 154  

Idris Idris,E. Setyawan,A. Mardesyawati

Marine ornamental reef fish trade is a huge industry with trade value USD 200-350 million/ year. Seribu Islands, Jakarta is one of the main ornamental reef fish catch area in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to compare ornamental fishing activities wi... see more

Pags. 155 - 164  

Himelda Himelda,Eko Sri Wiyono,Ari Purbayanto,Mustaruddin Mustaruddin

Sardine oil (Sardinella lemuru Bleeker 1853) is the one of fish target of fishermen from Banyuwangi and Jembrana who fish in Bali strait. An in-depth study on current utilization rates and over 6 year period is required to obtain information on utilizatio... see more

Pags. 165 - 176  

D. Ernaningsih,Domu Simbolon,Eko Sri Wiyono,Ari Purbayanto

Utilization of fishing area in Banten Bay by various activities may cause multi sectors conflicts related to management of the bay. The integrated zone system in that area has not been established yet; therefore it is needed to be studied. The objectives ... see more

Pags. 177 - 187  

T. P. Pangesti,Tri Wiji Nurani,Eko Sri Wiyono

Cilacap is the center of the shrimp fishery in Central Java’s south sea. Lately, the shrimp resources in that area have decreased biologically, which is characterized by a decrease in shrimp production trend line. From 2004 to 2008 there was a decrease by... see more

Pags. 189 - 199  

Rusmilyansari Rusmilyansari

Management of fishery resources can be hampered by destructive conflict. A fairly long period of conflict, due to the institutional implications of conflict management is not effective, therefore this studyaimed to 1) map the institutional management of f... see more

Pags. 201 - 211  

Adi Susanto,Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar,Mohammad Imron

PSP 01 is a training-fishing vessel that was built in a traditional dock yard in Palabuhanratu, so it was not completed with design drawings and stability calculation. This paper discusses on determining the vessel’s suitability of design and stability co... see more

Pags. 213 - 221