13 articles in this issue
Yopi Novita
KATA PENGANTARSegenap tim redaksi mengucapkan syukur Alhamdulilah atas terbitnya Jurnal Marine Fisheries Volume 8 No. 1 Edisi Mei 2017. Pada edisi kali ini terdapat beberapa tema penelitian, yaitu pengelolaan perikanan tangkap, teknologi alat penangkapan ... see more
MARINE FISHERIES: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Laut, merupakan media publikasi dari hasil-hasil penelitian/kajian di bidang teknologi dan manajemen perikanan laut secara luas. Jurnal ini dikelola oleh Forum Komunikasi dan Kemitraan Perik... see more
Daftar isi
Thomas Nugroho,. Sulistiono
ABSTRACTCapture fisheries business is a collective action in exploiting fisheries resources. It describes ability and dependency of community to capture fisheries resource that interestingly to be studied. The study was conducted for observing socio econo... see more
Muhamad RE Prayitno,Domu Simbolon,Roza Yusfiandayani,Budy Wiryawan
ABSTRACTRumpon or Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) had been used by purse seine and handline fishermen in Pacitan Regency since 2005. The use of rumpon has been associated with the catching of immature fishes in large number that would disrupt the sustaina... see more
Lilly Aprilya Pregiwati,Budy Wiryawan,Sugeng Hari Wisudo,Arif Satria
Tri Wiji Nurani,Yasinta Anugerah,Muhammad Fedi A. Sondita
ABSTRACTIndonesian government has prepared a standard for assessing the competencies of human resources in the field of fisheries, through the formulation of Indonesian National Occupational Competency Standards (INOCS). Captain of fishing vessels has an ... see more
Soraya Gigentika,Tri Wiji Nurani,Sugeng Hari Wisudo,John Haluan
ABSTRACTCompetition of tuna utilization in Nusa Tenggara has resulted in the inclining toward irresponsible utilization, which causes various issuess of tuna utilization system in Nusa Tenggara. The objectives of this research are to identify the issues o... see more
Adi Susanto,Aristi Dian Purnama Fitri,Yuhelsa Putra,Heri Susanto,Tuti Alawiyah
ABSTRACTInnovation of LED lamp are encouraged the research and development to obtain effective and eco-friendly fishing lamp. However, information about response, behaviour and retina adaptation of main target species to LED light are still limited. Meanw... see more
Sri Wahyuni Rahim
ABSTRACTThe process of catching fish using an anesthetic technique is inseparable from the use of synthetic chemicals (cyanide) that negatively impact the target fish, non-target and on coral reefs. One way to reduce the negative impact of cyanide is to l... see more
Arif Febrianto,Domu Simbolon,John Haluan,. Mustaruddin
ABSTRACTSquid fishing inside and outside waters of tin mining area in South Bangka District is carried out by using boat lift nets, stationary lift nets, and hand lines. Squid fishing activities need effective information to achieve maximum results. Good ... see more
Muhammad Rizal,Budy Wiryawan,Sugeng Hari Wisudo,Iin Solihin,John Haluan
ABSTRACTNowadays, the development of fisheries strategic issues is related to poverty and welfare of fishermen. In 2010 - 2014, Ministry of Marine and Fisheries implemented Business Development Program of Rural Area by creating a Joint Business Group (JBG... see more
Ganang Dwi Prasetyo,Ronny Irawan Wahju,Roza Yusfiandayani,Mochammad Riyanto
ABSTRACTBycatch problem is a global issue and can be a driver of marine megafauna declines in the world, such as sea turtle, where is the animal's status as endangered species. Green Light Emitting Diode (LED) is known as an innovative technology to reduc... see more