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Stunting is a chronic malnutrition problem caused by insufficient nutritional intake for a long time due to feeding that is not in accordance with nutritional needs. Stunting can be a major threat to the quality of Indonesian people and also a threat to t... see more

Salah satu tantangan dunia kesehatan adalah keseimbangan antara jumlah tenaga kerja dan beban kerja untuk mencapai kualitas, efektivitas, dan efisiensi. Hal ini masih sulit dicapai terutama di negara berkembang yang memiliki sumber daya dan anggaran terba... see more

The purpose of this research is to find out. how far is the ability of PJOK teachers at SDLB Pante Raya Bener Meriah Regency in implementing adaptive physical education learning models for CSN students? The population and sample in this study were school ... see more

Efectividad del currículo de la carrera de Medicina. Diseño y validación de instrumentos para valorar la función docente educativa Efectividad del currículo de la carrera de Medicina. Diseño y validación de instrumentos para valorar la función docente educativaIntroducción: La formación actual de médicos en Cuba responde a las necesidades de salud de la población de nuestro país y otros lugares necesitados del mundo. El Área de Docencia e Investigación del Ministerio de Salud Pública creó un grupo de investigación, el cual diseñó el proyecto Efectividad del Currículo de Medicina. Uno de los cortes de valoración del currículo evalúa la correspondencia entre el modelo del profesional declarado para las cinco funciones descritas en el currículo y el profesional en formación. Una de las cinco funciones que se describe es la función docente educativa. Objetivo: Diseñar un instrumento para evaluar la correspondencia entre el modelo del profesional declarado para la función docente-educativa en el currículo de la carrera de Medicina y el profesional en formación. Material y Métodos: Se realizó una investigación de desarrollo tecnológico en tres etapas: primera, diseño del instrumento evaluativo; segunda, aplicación de la encuesta y ejecución del ejercicio teórico-práctico; tercera, valoración del instrumento. Resultados: El instrumento diseñado demostró que con el actual currículo la función docente educativa se cumple en 75.6%. La totalidad de los profesores y la mayor parte de los estudiantes se proyectaron correctamente, al focalizar sus opiniones en los aspectos requeridos para la validación. Conclusiones: El instrumento permite evaluar la correspondencia entre el modelo del profesional declarado para la función docente-educativa en el currículo y el profesional en formación. Las acciones de validación aplicadas apoyan la validez del instrumento en cuanto a su contenido y operatividad en la práctica. Palabras clave: Función docente educativa, instrumento evaluativo, medicina, currículo, diseño, validación.ABSTRACTIntroduction: Current medical training in Cuba responds to the health needs of the population of our country and others in need around the world. The Department of Teaching and Research of the Ministry of Health created a research group, which designed the project Curriculum Effectiveness of Medicine. One of the cuts curriculum assessments evaluates the correspondence between the professional model declared for the five functions described in the curriculum and professional training. One of the five functions described in the model is the educational teaching function. Objective: To design a tool to assess the correspondence between the professional models declared for educational teaching role in the curriculum and professional training. Material and methods: An investigation of technological development was performed in three stages: first: design assessment instrument; Second: implementation of the survey and implementation of theoretical exercise - practical; Third: assessment instrument. Results: Using the designed instrument was demonstrated that with the current educational curriculum teaching function is fulfilled in 75.6%. All the teachers and most students were projected correctly, to focus their opinions on the aspects required for validation. Conclusions: The instrument allows evaluating the correspondence between the professional model declared for education teaching role in the curriculum and professional training Shares applied validation support the validity of the instrument in terms of content and functionality in practice. Keywords: Educational teaching function, assessment instrument, medicine, curriculum, design, validation.

Palabras clave: Función docente educativa, instrumento evaluativo, medicina, currículo, diseño, validación.ABSTRACTIntroduction: Current medical training in Cuba responds to the health needs of the population of our country and others in need around the w... see more

The need for strengthening the research capacity of domestic universities for Ukraine’s full accession to the European Higher Education Area and the European research space necessitates the modernization of the research management system. European Higher ... see more

The need for strengthening the research capacity of domestic universities for Ukraine’s full accession to the European Higher Education Area and the European research space necessitates the modernization of the research management system. European Higher ... see more

The aim of this research is to formulate the model of the family counseling for children with special needs by making parenting stress as a major successful indicator.  This research is conducted by qualitative approach through studying the cases dee... see more

Organizational management system combines all management functions within an organization's productive holistically built based on the concept of quality, teamwork, productivity and customer satisfaction. Be as creative industries leather craft&... see more

1 of 53.061 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»