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Non-atypical endometrial hyperplasia (EH) most often occurs against a background of relative or absolute hyperestrogenism, responds to abnormal hormonal effects. In the reproductive age, the presence of EH can be a factor in the development of fertility d... see more

According to the extended today WHO classification (1994) there are simple and complex endometrial hyperplasia non-atypical; simple and complex atypical endometrial hyperplasia; adenocarcinoma.In numerous studies of the last decades it has been proven tha... see more

Dubinina V. G., Nosenko O. M., Vizir K. P., Kaushik O. A. Caspase-3 mediated Apoptosis AT the endometrial hyperplasia in women of reproductive age. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(12):883-894. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI see more

The paper describes the results of the research of hormonal changes in women of late reproductive age with nonatypical endometrial hyperplasia combined with functional hyperprolactinemia. The rationale of complex approach to the treatment of such patients... see more

Endometrial hyperplasia is a histological diagnosis. It refers to hormone-dependent diseases, which are treated with various hormonal drugs and surgical methods. At the same time, the method and timing of monitoring of the effectiveness of treatment depen... see more

Recent scientific studies show that fat tissue is not a passive metabolism depot, as previously thought, but manifests itself as an active endocrine organ. Pathological processes occurring in adipose tissue with its hypertrophy during weight gain are cons... see more

Aging and apoptosis are two mechanisms of a powerful anti - cancer defense. The apoptosis inhibitor is Bcl-2 gene. It expresses in transformed cells, blocks programmed death, promotes the survival of malignant ones. Under experimental conditions, when the... see more

Aim of the study – improvement of the treatment effectiveness of patients with the endomentrium ordinary hyperplasia by development and implementation of the treatment algorithm with consideration endometrium immune histochemical profile specific features... see more

Epidemiología de las lesiones endometriales en mujeres obesas mayores de 50 años / Epidemiology of the endometrial lesions in obese women older than 50 years oldEpidemiología de las lesiones endometriales en mujeres obesas mayores de 50 años / Epidemiology of the endometrial lesions in obese women older than 50 years oldSe realizó una investigación retrospectiva y analítica, con el objetivo de identificar los factores de riesgo asociados a las lesiones endometriales en las mujeres obesas mayores de 50 años en el municipio Pinar del Río. El universo de estudio estuvo constituido por la totalidad de las mujeres residentes en el área de salud Hermanos Cruz. Se seleccionó un grupo de estudio conformado por las mujeres obesas mayores de 50 años y un grupo de control conformado por las mujeres mayores de 50 años no obesas. Para obtener los datos, se utilizó una encuesta-formulario, donde se incluyeron variables generales de la mujer, antecedentes personales y familiares e historia ginecobstétrica, la cual fue aplicada a ambos grupos, con previo consentimiento. Se realizó un estudio ultrasonográfico a las mujeres incluidas en la investigación y uno histológico del endometrio cuando el examen ultrasonográfico resultó anormal (mayor de 4 mm en posmenopáusicas y de 14 mm en premenopáusicas.). Se confeccionó una base de datos con las variables estudiadas. Los resultados obtenidos se agruparon en cuadros (simples y de contingencia). Para su procesamiento estadístico se utilizaron la frecuencia absoluta y porcentual, el estadígrafo Ji cuadrado, pruebas de probabilidad de Fisher, los odds ratio (crudo y ponderado) y Z. La obesidad estuvo asociada con mayor probabilidad de tener un resultado ultrasonográfico anormal de la medida del grosor endometrial y de lesiones premalignas y cáncer endometrial, principalmente cuando existieron antecedentes familiares de cáncer de mama o colon y antecedentes personales de menarquía precoz, paridad y sangrado uterino anormal. Palabras clave: adenocarcinoma, neoplasias, epidemiología,hiperplasia endometrial,biopsia. ABSTRACT A retrospective and analytic research was carried out with the purpose of identifying risk factors associated with endometrial lesions in obese women older than 50 years old in Pinar del Rio municipality. The universe was comprised of the total of women living at "Hermanos Cruz" health sector. A group of obese women older than 50 years old and a control group of non-obese women older than 50 years old were chosen. To collect data, a survey-form was used; including general variables of women, personal, familial, gynecological and obstetric records. The survey was applied for both groups having a previous consent. A sonographic study was conducted to women participating in the research and performing an endometrial-histological examination when the Sonography showed abnormalities (greater 4mm in postmenopausal and 14mm in premenopausal women). A database using the variables studied was created; and the results were grouped in charts (simple and of contingency). In the statistical process absolute frequency and percentage, chi square, Fisher's probability test, odds ratio (raw and adjusted), and Z test were used. Obesity was associated with a major probability of having an abnormal sonographic result of the endometrial thickness, premalignant lesions and endometrial cancer; mainly when familial history of breast or colon cancers existed as well as personal records of early menarche, parity and abnormal uterine bleeding. Key words: Adenocarcinoma, Endometrial neoplasm, epidemiology, Endometrial hyperplasia, biopsy.

ABSTRACT A retrospective and analytic research was carried out with the purpose of identifying risk factors associated with endometrial lesions in obese women older than 50 years old in Pinar del Rio municipality. The universe was comprised of the total... see more

1 of 8.379 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»