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The search for hypothetical optimal solutions of landscape composition is a major issue in landscape planning and it can be outlined in a two-dimensional decision space involving economic value and landscape diversity, the latter being considered as a pot... see more

This research paper presents statistical comparisons between two methods that are commonly used to estimate option implied Risk-Neutral Densities (RND). These are: 1) mixture of lognormals (MXL); and, 2) volatility function technique (VFT). The former is ... see more

Purpose of the article: Economic theory has long relied on a descriptively sparse model of individuals behavior based on the premise that people are rational and held in accordance with the expected utility theory, but in the reality there are m... see more

Saberes físicos para la Medicina General Integral /Physical knowledge for the General Integral Medicine Saberes físicos para la Medicina General Integral /Physical knowledge for the General Integral MedicineObjetivo: caracterizar la relación interdisciplinaria de las asignaturas Introducción a la Medicina General Integral (I.MGI) y la Física.Materiales y métodos: se analizaron los documentos normativos de ambas asignaturas: Plan Calendario, Programas, Orientaciones Metodológicas, Sistemas de habilidades y conocimientos, libros de texto y folletos. El universo de estudio lo constituyeron 1 031 estudiantes matrícula de Introducción a MGI, primer año y se seleccionó una muestra no intencional, probabilística, del 10%, 103 alumnos, representada por: 31 estudiantes del curso Premédico ELAM, 56 de Premédico Cojímar y sin el curso Premédico 16; a los que se les aplicó una encuesta sobre la utilidad de los conocimientos físicos en su aprendizaje de la I.MGI. La estadística descriptiva permitió determinar los valores estadísticos para datos cualitativos y las tablas para presentar la información resumida.Resultados: se determinaron nodos interdisciplinarios, conocimientos, habilidades y valores que constituyen los elementos básicos de la relación interdisciplinaria de I.MGI y Física teniendo en cuenta el perfil médico profesional.Se trabajó además con estudiantes del Premédico (grupo 10) del 1eer semestre del curso 2017-2018 teniendo en cuenta los nodos cognitivos, ya investigados, y otros aspectos de la relación Física-I.MGI.Conclusiones: se caracterizó la relación interdisciplinaria de las asignaturas Introducción a la Medicina General Integral (I.MGI) y la Física.ABSTRACTObjective: to characterize the interdisciplinary relationship to the subject Introduction to General Integral Medicine (I.GIM) and Physics.Materials and Methods: normative documents of both subjects were analyzed, Calendar Plan, Programs Methodological Orientation, System of abilities and knowledge, text books and booklet.The study universewere 1 031 of students registration of Introduction of General In-tegral Medicine, first year, non-intentionprobabilistic sample 103 students (10%) represented by: 31 students from Elam Pre Academic course, 56 from Cojímar Pre Academic course and 16 without Pre Academic course; to whom a questionnaire was applied about utility of Physics knowledge and abilities in their learning of I.GIM. The descriptive statistics allowed determining the statistical valor for qualitative data and the tables to present the resumed information.Results: interdisciplinary node, knowledge, abilities, statistics valor that constitute the basical elements of the interdisciplinary relationship of I.GIM and Physics, having into account the professional medical profile. A work with Pre academicals (group 10) of the 1ST semester 2017-2018 course was done, having into account the cognitive nodes, investigated before and other aspects of Physics-GIM relationship.Conclusions: the interdisciplinary relationship of Introduction to General Integral Medicine (I.GIM) and the Physics was characterized.

Materiales y métodos: se analizaron los documentos normativos de ambas asignaturas: Plan Calendario, Programas, Orientaciones Metodológicas, Sistemas de habilidades y conocimientos, libros de texto y folletos. El universo de estudio lo constituyeron 1 031... see more

Influencia de las emisiones electromagnéticas no ionizantes en la salud/Influence of non-ionizing electromagnetic emissions on health Influencia de las emisiones electromagnéticas no ionizantes en la salud/Influence of non-ionizing electromagnetic emissions on healthObjetivo: elaborar las recomendaciones necesarias que contribuyan a la adopción de medidas más eficaces de protección sanitaria para disminuir los efectos de las emisiones electromagnéticas no ionizantes en la salud.Materiales y Métodos: se emplearon diferentes métodos teóricos como el histórico-lógico, utilizado en el análisis de la evolución histórica e influencias principales relacionadas con las emisiones electromagnéticas y la salud. Además, se utilizaron el análisis-síntesis y la inducción-deducción, que permitieron conformar los fundamentos teóricos y las bases empíricas del estudio.Resultados: se logró una evaluación objetiva de las evidencias científicas acerca de los potenciales efectos de los campos electromagnéticos sobre la salud y se elaboraron las recomendaciones necesarias, que contribuyen a la adopción de medidas más eficaces de protección sanitaria.Conclusiones: se espera poder despejar las dudas e incertidumbres sobre los riesgos para la salud de las emisiones electromagnéticas no ionizantes.ABSTRACTObjective: to elaborate the necessary recommendations that contribute to the adoption of more effec-tive sanitary protection measures to reduce the effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic emissions on health.Materials and Methods: different theoretical methods were used, such as the historical-logical one, used in the analysis of historical evolution and main influences related to electromagnetic emissions and health. In addition, the analysis-synthesis and the induction-deduction were used, which allowed to shape the theoretical foundations and the empirical bases of the study.Results: an objective evaluation of the scientific evidences about the potential effects of electromag- netic fields on health was achieved and the necessary recommendations were elaborated, which contribute to the adoption of more effective sanitary protection measures.Conclusions: it is expected to be able to clear up the doubts and uncertainties about the health risks of non-ionizing electromagnetic emissions.

Materiales y Métodos: se emplearon diferentes métodos teóricos como el histórico-lógico, utilizado en el análisis de la evolución histórica e influencias principales relacionadas con las emisiones electromagnéticas y la salud. Además, se utilizaron el aná... see more

The axiomatic foundation of the expected utility theory (which states that given a set of uncertain prospects individuals pick up the prospect which yields the highest expected utility) was first laid down by Von Neumann and Morgenstern (1947). ... see more

Social studies designed to develop knowledge, understanding, and analytical skills of the social conditions in entering a dynamic social life. Social Science subjects are arranged in a systematic, comprehensive, and integrated in the learning process towa... see more

Purpose of the article: Classical and neo-classical economic theories consider a human as a rational individual making logical decisions and maximizing his profit. But what if it is not the case? People making decisions in the real world will ne... see more

Effective non-native English teachers (NNETs) are essential to facilitate students to develop their English mastery. However, while students are directly affected by teachers’ instructions, they have been limitedly involved in teacher education and develo... see more

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