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The otoliths described here from the Late Santonian of the Eutaw Formation of Alabama, represent one of the earliest association of teleost otoliths known from North America and it is remarkable for its good preservation and species diversity. They were c... see more

Otolith assemblages have rarely been studied across the K-Pg boundary. The late Maastrichtian Kemp Clay of northeastern Texas and the Fox Hills Formation of North Dakota, and the early Danian Clayton Formation of Arkansas therefore offer new insights into... see more

BING, Gertrud. A. M. Warburg. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, v. 28, p. 299–313, 1965.BURCKHARDT, Jacob. Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte von Italien: das Altarbild, das Porträt in der Malerei, die Sammler. Basel: C. F. Lendorff, 1898.BURCKHARDT, Jacob. The civilization of the Renaissance in Italy. London: Penguin, 2004 [1860].CADOGAN, Jean K. Domenico Ghirlandaio: artist and artisan. New Haven, London: Yale University, 2000.DIDI-HUBERMAN, Georg. A imagem sobrevivente: história da arte e tempo dos fantasmas segundo Aby Warburg. Rio de Janeiro: Contraponto, 2013 [2002].DIERS, Michael. Warburg aus Briefen: Kommentare zu den Kopierbüchern der Jahre 1905–1918. Weinheim: Acta Humaniora, 1991.DROMMERT, René. Aby Warburg und die Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek in der Heilwigstraße. In: GALITZ, Robert; REIMERS, Brita (Orgs.). Aby Warburg: »Ekstatische Nymphe... trauernder Flußgott« Portrait eines Gelehrten. Hamburg: Dölling und Galitz, 1995, p. 14–18.FERNANDES, Cássio. O lugar de o retrato na pintura italiana do Renascimento na obra de Jacob Burckhardt.In: BURCKHARDT, Jacob. O retrato na pintura italiana do Renascimento. Campinas, São Paulo: Unicamp, Fap- Unifesp, 2012, p. 21–47.FORSTER, Kurt. Introduction. In: WARBURG, Aby. The renewal of pagan Antiquity: contributions to the cultural history of the European Renaissance. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 1999, p. 1–75.GASPARY, Adolf. Geschichte der italienischen Literatur. Strassburg: K. J. Trübner, 1885.GRIMM, Herman. Sandro Botticelli, Geburt der Venus und Frühling. Deutsche Literaturzeitung, v. 14, p. 690–692, 1893.GOMBRICH, E. H. Aby Warburg: an intellectual biography. 2a ed. Chicago: The University of Chicago, 1986 [1970].HEYCK, Eduard. Die Mediceer. Bielefeld, Leipzig: Velhagen & Klasing, 1897.JANITSCHEK, Hubert. Die Gesellschaft der Renaissance in Italien und die Kunst: vier Vorträge. Stuttgart: W. Spemann, 1879.JANITSCHEK, Hubert. L.B.Alberti‘skleinerekunsttheoretische Schriften. Wien: W. Braumüller, 1877.KAEGI, Werner. Das Werk Aby Warburgs: mit einem unveröffentlichten Brief Jacob Burckhardts. Neue Schweizer Rundschau, v. 1, n. 5, p. 283–293, 1933.LADWIG, Perdita. Das Renaissancebild deutscher Historiker 1898–1933. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2004.LADWIG, Perdita; TREML, Martin; WEIGEL, Sigrid. Die Nymphe und pagane Totenklage: Die Renaissance als Übergangszeitalter. Vorbemerkung der Herausgeber. In: Aby Warburg: Werke in einem Band. Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2010, p. 187–197.LEVINE, Emily J. Dreamland of humanists: Warburg, Cassirer, Panofsky, and the Hamburg School. Chicago, London: The University of Chicago, 2013.MCEWAN, Dorothea. Wanderstrassen der Kultur: die Aby Warburg – Fritz Saxl Korrespondenz 1920 bis 1929. Hamburg, München: Dölling und Galitz, 2004.PRANGE, Regine. Die Geburt der Kunstgeschichte: Philosophische Ästhetik und empirische Wissenschaft. Köln: Deubner, 2004.ROECK, Bernd. Der junge Aby Warburg. München: C. H. Beck, 1997.RÖSCH, Perdita. Aby Warburg. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, 2010.SAXL, Fritz. The history of Warburg’s library (1886–1944). In: GOMBRICH, E. H. Aby Warburg: an intellectual biography. 2a ed. Chicago: The University of Chicago, 1986, p. 325–338 [1970].SLOVIN, Francesca Cernia. Obsessed by art – Aby Warburg: his life and his legacy. [S.l.]: Xlibris, 2006 [1995].SPRINGER, Anton. Bilder aus der neueren Kunstgeschichte. Bonn: Adolph Marcus, 1886 [1867]. 2 vol.THODE, Henry. Franz von Assisi und die Anfänge der Kunst der Renaissance in Italien. Essen: Emil Vollmer, 1998 [1885].WARBURG, Aby. Conferencia sobre Rembrandt. In: WARBURG, Aby. Atlas Mnemosyne. Madrid: Akal, 2010 [1926], p. 173–178.WARBURG, Aby. Der Eintritt des antikisierenden Idealstils in die Malerei der Frührenaissance. In: WARBURG, Aby. Werke in einem Band. Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2010 [1914], p. 281–310.WARBURG, Aby. Flemish and Florentine art in Lorenzo de’ Medici’s circle around 1480. In: WARBURG, Aby. The renewal of pagan antiquity: contributions to the cultural history of the European Renaissance. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 1999 [1901a], p. 305–307.WARBURG, Aby. Flemish art and the Florentine early Renaissance. In: WARBURG, Aby. The renewal of pagan antiquity: contributions to the cultural history of the European Renaissance. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 1999 [1902a], p. 281–303.WARBURG, Aby. FlorentinischeWirklichkeitundantikisirender Idealismus. In: WARBURG, Aby. Werke in einem Band. Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2010 [1901b], p. 211–233.WARBURG, Aby. Francesco Sassetti’s last injunctions to his sons. In: WARBURG, Aby. The renewal of pagan antiquity: contributions to the cultural history of the European Renaissance. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 1999 [1907], p. 223–262.WARBURG, Aby. Sandro Botticelli’s Birth of Venus and Spring. In: WARBURG, Aby. The renewal of pagan antiquity: contributions to the cultural history of the European Renaissance. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 1999 [1893], p. 89–156.WARBURG, Aby. The art of portraiture and the Florentine bourgeoisie. In: WARBURG, Aby. The renewal of pagan antiquity: contributions to the cultural history of the European Renaissance. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 1999 [1902b], p. 185–221.WARBURG, Aby. Vom Arsenal zum Laboratorium. In: WARBURG, Aby. Werke in einem Band. Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2010 [1927], p. 683–694.
A obra de Aby Warburg (1866–1929), dedicada, sobretudo, ao grande tema da sobrevivência da tradição clássica no Renascimento europeu, vem ganhando notoriedade nas últimas décadas, inclusive no Brasil. Este artigo busca uma imersão na obra desse historiado... see more

No Brasil, a soja tem sido introduzida em regiões que apresentam solos arenosos e clima tropical, sendo muitas vezes integrada com a pecuária. A demanda da oleaginosa por nitrogênio(N) é suprida pela mineralização da matéria orgânica do solo e pela fixaçã... see more

En primer lugar, centraremos nuestro interés en definir el “mal de hijo” de Albert (A. Cohen, Le Livre de ma mère) y de Romain (R. Gary, La Promesse de l’aube), tras haber constatado que estos remiten respectivamente a un “mal de madre” y a un arquetipo m... see more

Neste artigo discutiremos os conceitos fundamentais das Ciências Humanas e Sociais de identidade, resistência e simbolismo a partir da análise do filme Onde Sonham as Formas Verdes (1985) de Werner Herzog.  Com base no estudo crítico da obra utilizan... see more

O artigo parte da investigação acerca das semelhanças existentes entre o movimento intelectual conhecido como Romantismo Alemão e o conceito de Verdade Extática de Werner Herzog. Buscamos reconhecer, no cinema do cineasta, proposições de uma estética de i... see more

Werner Müller is one of the leading European scholars on North American Indian religions, with numerous, albeit somewhat controversial, works, primarily in German. According to Müller, the Indian Supreme God and Culture Hero, which is the topic of this pa... see more

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