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1 of 17.961 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»

Estudio de la satisfacción de estudiantes de la Facultad Preparatoria con el programa de Química / Study of the satisfaction of students of the Preparatory School with the Chemistry program Estudio de la satisfacción de estudiantes de la Facultad Preparatoria con el programa de Química / Study of the satisfaction of students of the Preparatory School with the Chemistry programObjetivo:valorar el nivel de satisfacción de los estudiantes de la Facultad Preparatoria con el programa de Química que se implementó en el curso 2016-2017. Materiales y Métodos: se utilizan métodos de investigación teóricos, empíricos (encuesta a estudiantes) y matemáticos. Son aportes el cuestionario aplicado y la metodología empleada. Es pertinente porque posibilita el mejoramiento del programa. El nivel de satisfacción se evaluó mediante la técnica de Iadov.Resultados: los estudiantes de la muestra sienten un elevado nivel de satisfacción con el programa perfeccionado de Química, expresado en los índices de satisfacción grupal de 0,84, 0,81 y 0,90 para la satisfacción por recibir el programa de estudio de Química, por utilizar los objetivos de aprendizaje que en él se declaran como guía para el estudio y por el vínculo de este con la Medicina, respectivamente. Otros resultados de este estudio permiten afirmar que la asignatura de Química tiene preferencia por su parte, quienes consideran que posee un estrecho vínculo con otras que se imparten en el curso de nivelación, que contribuye al desarrollo de las habilidades comunicativas, que la literatura fue suficiente y que el apoyo brindado por sus profesores fue adecuado. Por otra parte, consideran que existe una adecuada relación contenidos/tiempo.Conclusiones: todos los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación son de gran utilidad para el sistemático perfeccionamiento de la asignatura de Química como parte del curso de nivelación que se imparte en la Facultad Preparatoria.Palabras clave: técnica de Iadov; niveles de satisfacción; química.ABSTRACTObjetivo: to assess the level of satisfaction of the students of the Preparatory School with the Chemistry program that was implemented in the 2016-2017 academic year.Materials and Methods: theoretical, empirical (student survey) and mathematical methods are used. Contributions are the applied questionnaire and the methodology used. It is pertinent because it makes possible the improvement of the program. The level of satisfaction was assessed using the Iadov technique.Results: the students in the sample feel a high level of satisfaction with the improved Chemistry program, expressed in the group satisfaction indexes of 0.84, 0.81 and 0.90 for the satisfaction of receiving the Chemistry study program , for using the learning objectives that are declared as a guide for the study and for the link of this with Medicine, respectively. Other results of this study allow to affirm that the subject of Chemistry has preference on their part, who consider that it has a close link with others that are taught in the leveling course, which contributes to the development of communication skills, that the literature was sufficient and that the support provided by their teachers was adequate. On the other hand, they consider that there is an adequate content / time relationship.Conclusions: all the results obtained in this research are very useful for the systematic improvement of the subject of Chemistry as part of the leveling course taught at the Preparatory School.Keywords: Iadov technique; levels of satisfaction; chemistry

Objetivo: to assess the level of satisfaction of the students of the Preparatory School with the Chemistry program that was implemented in the 2016-2017 academic year.Materials and Methods: theoretical, empirical (student survey) and mathematical methods ... see more

Hojas de trabajo para la autogestión del aprendizaje del idioma español / Worksheets for self-management of Spanish language learning Hojas de trabajo para la autogestión del aprendizaje del idioma español / Worksheets for self-management of Spanish language learningObjetivo: exponer el diseño de las hojas de trabajo que contienen diversos artículos por especialidades vinculados a la ciencia matemática, para entrenar la competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes de postgrado, de diferentes continentes que se insertarán en las instituciones médicas cubanas.Métodos: se fundamenta en la filosofía materialista dialéctica y se emplean métodos teóricos como el históricológico;inductivo deductivo; sistematización; empíricos: análisis de documentos, observación y vivencial.Resultados: las hojas de trabajo por especialidades son herramientas interdisciplinarias para mejorar lacompetencia comunicativa. Su pertinencia está dada en disponer de un banco de artículos interdisciplinarios, materiales audiovisuales para un proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en formación acelerada de mayor calidad. El entrenamiento con la hoja de trabajo tributa al mejoramiento de las competencias comunicativas-culturales de los estudiantes de postgrado de la Preparatoria.Conclusiones: la hoja de trabajo es una estrategia de autogestión del aprendizaje que logra la competenciacomunicativa del estudiante de posgrado a partir del proceso cognición, metacognición y creación desde lashabilidades idiomáticas y la interdisciplinariedadABSTRACTObjective: to present the design of the worksheets containing various articles by specialties related tomathematical science, to train the communicative competence of postgraduate students, from differentcontinents that will be inserted in Cuban medical institutions.Methods: it is based on the dialectical materialist philosophy and theoretical methods are used as thehistorical-logical; inductive deductive; systematization; empirical: document analysis, observation andexperiential.Results: the worksheets by specialties are interdisciplinary tools to improve communicative competence. Its relevance is given in having a bank of interdisciplinary articles, audiovisual materials for a teaching-learning process in accelerated training of higher quality. The training with the worksheet taxes the improvement ofthe communicative-cultural competences of the postgraduate students of the High School.Conclusions: the worksheet is a strategy of self-management of learning that achieves the communicative competence of the graduate student from the process of cognition, metacognition and creation from the language skills and interdisciplinarity.Keywords: communicative competence; worksheet; portable interdisciplinary tool.

Métodos: se fundamenta en la filosofía materialista dialéctica y se emplean métodos teóricos como el históricológico;inductivo deductivo; sistematización; empíricos: análisis de documentos, observación y vivencial.Resultados: las hojas de trabajo por espe... see more

This study aims to develop a guided inquiry learning tool based on higher order thinking (HOT) activities on the theme of 9th subtheme 1 grade V elementary school.This research is a development research conducted using the ADDIE model with stages, namely ... see more

Assertiveness is important for teenagers, that allows teens to put themselves and perform the strategic, directed, controlled and steady activities, so teens can avoid the negative behavior. Assertiveness is consist of by several factors, one of which is ... see more

Purpose — to explore the level of physical fitness of high school students of public and private schools.Material and methods. study and analysis of educational, scientific and methodological literature; interviews with experts; pedagogical supervision; t... see more

The need of listening textbook is not balanced with the available listening book on market, bookstore and education ministry department. This research produces a listening textbook which is based on researcher need analysis. The result of preliminary stud... see more

The need of listening textbook is not balanced with the available listening book on market, bookstore and education ministry department. This research produces a listening textbook which is based on researcher need analysis. The result of preliminary stud... see more

Abstract: Education aims to prepare students to become independent generations who are able to face the challenges of the times by having 21st century life skills, one of which is critical thinking, in fact contrary to the low critical thinking skills tha... see more

This PKM is conducted at Sint Vianney Middle School which is located at JLN. I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Kampung Baru Village, Soe City District, TTS Regency, NTT Province. The problems experienced are the science learning tools developed that do not meet the sta... see more

1 of 17.961 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»