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Turkey, Turkish Republic


10  Articles
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in this article we discussed a religous poem (deyis) of Eyüp Karkin, one of the disciples of the Dede Garkin community in Diyarbakir. The poem, which is (often) recited by the members of the Dede Garkin community in Diyarbakir, was equipped with a melody,... see more

Indigenous food sovereignty is about much more than consumption choices, food access, and tradi­tional knowledge; it is fundamentally about access to land for sacred ceremony and traditional prac­tice. This article will highlight an innovative case study ... see more

Village institutes  are public institutions that have an original education system established to equalize the balance between rural and city in the modernization process of the Republic of Turkey. The Ortaklar Village Institute that 30 km from the A... see more

Objective: There is no information on how the knowledge of intern doctors that will work as primary health care providers use pulse oximetry in pediatric patients. The aim of this study was to assess and compare knowledge of intern doctors on the use of p... see more

Chylothorax is a rare condition in children with various traumatic and non traumatic etiologies. It is very important to determine the etiology for the management. Herein, we report a 16 year-old boy with a history of monosomy 7 positive refractory AML, s... see more

BACKGROUND: There has been a great interest in the interaction between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and metabolic dysfunction, but there is no consistent data suggesting that OSA is a risk factor for dyslipidemia.AIM: The aim of this cross-sectional stud... see more
OSA |  BMI |  lipids

Bankalar mevcut finansal sistem içerisinde yerine getirdikleri görevler bakimindan son derece önemli bir yere sahiptirler. Türkiye’de ise tarihsel süreç içerisinde bankacilik sektörüyle ilgili ciddi sikintilar yasanmis ancak 2001 yilindan itibaren bankaci... see more

Tüketicilerin psikolojik faktörlere bagli olarak aldiklari kararlar sirketlerin gelirlerini ve buna bagli olarak finansal piyasalari etkiler. Bu açidan tüketici davranisi ile makroekonomik parametreler arasinda yakin iliski olmalidir. Tüketicilerin ekonom... see more

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