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77.959  Articles
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A review of health sciences literature shows a substantial increase in qualitative publications. This work incorporates a certain number of research quality guidelines. We present the results of the Alceste® lexicometric analysis, which includes 133 quali... see more

Objective: To present some criteria, many of which were created in the form of a checklist of items to be considered throughout the review process. Furthermore, we present a study whose main objective was to build (and validate) a review instrument by spe... see more

AbstractThe aim of this study was to apply the 14 criteria of Ulrich and Brockbank for the assessment of the movement of a human-resource function from its current development phase to a strategic business-partner role. A qualitative method, based on casi... see more

Introduction: Resilience in a learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic is a distinct experience and challenge, thus, a resilience strategy is needed. This study aims to explore the experiences and strategies for resilience in the learning process of ... see more

The integration of technology has been a constant fact in various areas of architecture. Currently there are innovative tools to be used both in the architectural design process and in professional practice, so its incorporation in architectural education... see more

This text results from research developed in the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Tiradentes University (Unit), in partnership with the University of Aveiro, Portugal, in 2019 and 2020. The objective sought to describe how the Visualization of Dat... see more

This research is motivated by the number of errors made by students in solving math problems. The purpose of this study was to determine the types of errors made by students in working on math problems based on Watson's criteria in class IX.8 and to deter... see more

La socialización de los resultados científicos de los docentes de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina. Una estrategia metodológica para su mejoramiento//The socialization of the scientific results of the teachers of the Latin American School of Medicin La socialización de los resultados científicos de los docentes de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina. Una estrategia metodológica para su mejoramiento//The socialization of the scientific results of the teachers of the Latin American School of MedicinObjetivo: argumentar la importancia del diseño de una estrategia metodológica para el mejoramiento del desempeño profesional en la socialización de los resultados científicos de los docentes de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina.Materiales y Métodos: se utilizó un modelo de investigación cualitativa en la que se emplearon métodos teóricos y empíricos. Se efectuó la revisión bibliográfica, el análisis, síntesis y contrastación de los diferentes criterios y posiciones de los autores de la literatura revisada.Resultados: se logró elaborar una alternativa metodológica que permita a todos los profesionales la elaboración, socialización y presentación de los trabajos de investigación de forma lógica, con una escritura y un lenguaje científico adecuado, contribuyendo a perfeccionar la producción científica de nuestra Institución.Conclusiones: se hace imprescindible que la comunidad científica concientice la importancia que tiene la socialización de los resultados de sus investigaciones y para eso se propone una estrategia educativa institucional para la socialización de los resultados científicos, humanistas y tecnológicos de los profesionales de la ELAM.ABSTRACTObjetive: to argue the importance of the design of a methodological strategy for the improvement of professional performance in the socialization of the scientific results of the teachers of the Latin American School of Medicine.Materials and Methods: a qualitative research model was used in which theoretical and empirical methods were used. The literature review, analysis, synthesis and comparison of the different criteria and positions of the authors of the reviewed literature was carried out.Results: it was possible to elaborate a methodological alternative that allows all the professionals the elaboration, socialization and presentation of the works of investigation of logical form, with a writing and a suitable scientific language, contributing to perfect the scientific production of our Institution.Conclusions: it is essential that the scientific community is aware of the importance of the socialization of the results of their research and for that an institutional educational strategy is proposed for the socialization of the scientific, humanistic and technological results of the ELAM professionals.

Materiales y Métodos: se utilizó un modelo de investigación cualitativa en la que se emplearon métodos teóricos y empíricos. Se efectuó la revisión bibliográfica, el análisis, síntesis y contrastación de los diferentes criterios y posiciones de los autore... see more

1 of 7.797 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»